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PUBG Mobile Season 12: release date, features and update details


PUBG Mobile Season 12
PUBG Mobile Season 12

The 11th season of PUBG Mobile is coming to an end, and fans of the famous online battle royale game are counting the days until season 12. There are many rumors and speculation circulating on the Internet, and we have collected all the bets Update and recent game info, so here's everything you need to know about the next PUBG Mobile Season 12.

According to the latest updates, the upcoming 12th season will be very exciting and will keep you on the edge of your seats. Given the success of the current 11th season, expectations for the upcoming season 12 are very high, and fans are eager to see what the team will bring this time to the table. PUBG Mobile Season 12 is only a few days away, so if you have quests or events pending in the current season, then hurry up and try to finish as much as possible.

What are the changes in PUBG Mobile Season 12?

The previous update added various new arcade modes and introduced new skins as well as some of the coolest events so far, however, that doesn't stop the hype of the season. 12, and from what we've heard, new skins, events and & # 39; Death Replays & # 39; will come with the latest update 0.17.0.

According to the latest update, one of the biggest problems regarding in-game cheating will be solved with this new update and a new system will be forced to play which will eliminate cheaters who use twisted means to obtain an undue advantage. This has been a serious problem since the official release of the game and no matter what the official team has said, the problem is getting worse with each passing day. The overall game experience has worsened, however, with the latest update, the developers will try to narrate it from the past, and it will be interesting to see just how much the new system is & # 39; Project: Ban & # 39; is effective.

The latest update will introduce some changes to the Erangle map regarding its surroundings as well as weapons and vehicles. Additionally, players will be able to use Dacia and UAZ in Erangle after the release of Season 12 update.

What new weapons will be introduced in PUBG Mobile Season 12?

If the latest rumors occur then, season 12 will introduce new weapons, and the most interesting claim is made upon the arrival of a new "Double-Barrel-Pump-Action-Shotgun." The new weapon will be very powerful, and it will support ranges up to 6x, however, players will only get it from airdrops if they are lucky.

More tactical markers will be available and players will be able to use 8 different markers to form a better strategy.

What are the updates to the PUBG Mobile Season 12 Royale Pass?

Official details of the Royale Pass have yet to be revealed, however, according to leaked updates, players will immediately receive the skin of a QBZ assault rifle after purchasing the pass while the final reward will be robotic skin, and new helmet skins, including that of a dragon could also arrive.

What is the new mode in PUBG Mobile Season 12?

A new mode is underway, and it's called “Extreme Cold”. In this mode, it is not only the other participants that you need to know, but also the animals that will attack you if you are not careful. Players will have to kill the animals for food and also find sources of heat / light to stay alive in the cold. In addition, the mode has been designed in such a way that players will face a cold spell whenever the playing circle is about to close.

What is the release date of PUBG Mobile Season 12?

PUBG Mobile Season 12 will be released on March 6, 2020.

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