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Prime Minister Gladys Berejiklian supports isolation of travelers, eighth death in New South Wales


“If we see these numbers and community transmission increasing at a rate that makes us uncomfortable, we will have to put in place more stringent measures,” said Ms. Berejiklian.

“We want to make sure that we keep our community safe by making sure that people adhere to strict isolation measures.”

NSW Prime Minister Gladys Berejiklian was joined by NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller and NSW Police Minister David Elliott at a press conference on Saturday.

NSW Prime Minister Gladys Berejiklian was joined by NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller and NSW Police Minister David Elliott at a press conference on Saturday.Credit:Dean Sewell

The expert in epidemics of infectious diseases at the University of Newcastle, said Dr. Craig Dalton
no government had a trigger guide for when to add other restrictions, but using the number of cases is a lagging indicator.

The next two weeks are going to be horrible with many more cases being reported because of this lag, as social distancing is likely to only start having an effect last week, said Dr. Dalton.

We must empty all backpacker hostels and group homes and install them at taxpayer expense in individual hotel rooms.

What sounds like a ridiculous idea a week ago sounds like a sensitive, if not essential, measure this week. “
New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said all travelers returning from overseas will be screened by health officials and taken by bus from the airport directly to hotel rooms for 14 days of isolation.

They will be monitored by the police to make sure they adhere to quarantine.

NSW Police Minister David Elliott urged people to respect the police who will apply the rules of social distancing.

Police at Maroubra beach, Saturday March 28. After opening the beach for a few hours, it was closed again.

Police at Maroubra beach, Saturday March 28. After opening the beach for a few hours, it was closed again.Credit:Louise Kennerley

“I spoke to police who were abused,” said Mr. Elliott. “I spoke to the police who were spat.

“Their job is not to punish you. Their job is to save your life.”

Police patrolled the Randwick area after council closed all of its beaches and ocean pools until further notice on Saturday with Coogee, Maroubra, Clovelly, Gordon’s Bay, Little Bay Beach, Malabar Beach and the closed La Perouse beaches following groups of people coming together.

On Friday, the Waverley Council area added 16 more cases to its total of 131, the most in NSW and 39 more than the northern beaches, which have the second highest number of infections. The central coast added 11 new cases to its total of 68 and 10 new cases were confirmed in the center-west, bringing their total to 44.

New South Wales chief of health Dr Kerry Chant said cases of transmission in the community from unidentified contacts have risen to 170 and 128 more are under investigation Friday evening.


“It is essential that we get compliance (with social distancing and isolation), to see a slowdown in this community transmission, and I urge the community to take this issue seriously and comply,” she said. .

On Saturday, a 91-year-old woman from Dorothy Henderson Lodge became the eighth person to die in New South Wales.

There were 53 confirmed cases in New South Wales hospitals, 19 people in the New South Wales intensive care units and, among them, 9 ventilators required at 8 p.m. March 27.

NSW Health said there were several cases that may have spread the disease to Sydney, including a school teacher at Ashcroft High School who was in school for one day when he was contagious but did not not given a lesson.

There are two confirmed cases in a Sydney daycare center – a two-year-old child and an educator.

Maroubra beach was closed a few hours after it reopened.

Maroubra beach was closed a few hours after it reopened. Credit:Louise Kennerley

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