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A transgender woman died after a big butt surgery went wrong


Gia Romualdo-Rodriguez died due to a terrible mistake in the Brazilian bat lift procedure (Photo: Instagram)

The transgender woman died after plastic surgery because she wanted to give her a big ass and was terribly wrong. Gialomu Aldrodriguez, 46, died this week at the Xiluet Clinic in Miami after a plunge in oxygen and heart rate during the infamous and dangerous Brazilian batlift surgery.

A woman from New York died during severe surgery, including breast strengthening, as she moved to become a woman. Gia died during surgery by surgeon Dr. Stephanie Stover.

Recognizing that her patient was in medical distress, Stover called 911. Zia was rushed to a hospital suffering from embolism caused by an occluded blood vessel. She was declared dead shortly thereafter, and her death dominated the accident caused by the fat injected behind her.

Stober refused to comment on the dead patient. She is accredited by the US Orthopedic Commission and has no history of disciplinary action against her.

Gia died earlier this week during a procedure at the Xiluet Plastic Surgery Clinic in Miami (Photo: Google Maps)

Miami Herald Since 2010, at least 20 people have died in Brazilian batlift surgery in Florida, and patients have reportedly gathered in Beach City to continue treatment despite known dangers. The fat extracted from other parts of the patient’s body by liposuction is confirmed before it is injected into the buttocks to give it a more rounded appearance.

Celebrities including Kim Kardashian And because Amber Rose is among those rumored to have undergone the procedure, and it’s full of danger, the Florida Medical Commission last year announced new limits to reduce the number of patients killed. did.

These rules prohibit surgeons from injecting fat into the patient’s gluteal muscles (buttocks) because of the high risk of penetrating the gluteal veins.

Breaking that vein in one of the fat shots can move a mass of fat to the heart and lungs, causing these organs to fail.

New Florida regulations stipulate that surgeons need to inject fat above the muscles rather than under the skin.

Surgeons encourage anyone seeking any kind of cosmetic procedure to study it, and if possible, to a plastic surgeon.

They also warned patients undergoing too many surgeries a day.

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