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How much does Adobe Photoshop cost?


A once simple question developed to include multiple answers after Adobe switched to a subscription service. After the launch of Photoshop CC in 2013, Adobe no longer offers a single purchase option for its popular photo editing software. Let’s take a look at the different options you have for getting Photoshop, and what other options you have if subscription services aren’t your thing.

Adobe Creative Cloud registration

The only way to get the latest version of Photoshop is to register Adobes Creative Cloud subscription. This service provides creative tools, such as Photoshop and other popular Adobe options, including Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Dreamweaver, etc. Depending on the plan you select and whether you are an individual, a company or a student, several subscription options are available.

Photoshop for individuals

If you are an individual user, you can buy an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription with photoshop for $ 21 a month but wait, it’s not the best deal. Adobe offers most of its programs for the price listed above, but a special photography package exists, providing both Photoshop and Lightroom for only $ 10 per month. Even if you don’t plan on using Lightroom, it still has the best option for getting Photoshop.

Alternatively, if you need more than one application from the Adobes collection, you should consider the All Applications package which gives you access to Photoshop and all of the programs that Adobe currently offers for $ 40 per month; It’s a semi-expensive option, but even the monthly subscription to two of the company’s apps will exceed this price.

Photoshop for students and teachers

Are you currently a teacher or student? You can access the Adobes All Apps pack for only $ 20 per month. If you only need Photoshop, it’s not exactly a bargain because the photo bundle mentioned earlier is still half the price; however, if you need more than Photoshop and Lightroom, your teacher or student status can earn you a decent size discount. It is important to note that this is a limited offer and that the price of education will drop to $ 30 per month after the first year.

Photoshop for business

Do you work with Photoshop professionally? Adobe offers offers to teams that allow them to better collaborate with Creative Cloud. You can get Photoshop for $ 25 a month, or the full set of all apps for $ 60 a month. What does the extra cost cost you? Adobe provides a team that aims to increase team collaboration. In addition, you will be able to use the companies Adobe talent service to find new members for your creative team. Overall, the business package includes a few attractive options, but at the increased price, only you can decide if it’s worth it.

Tim Moosholder / Unsplash

Get an older version of Photoshop

Although Adobe does not officially offer versions of the latest version of Photoshop without a subscription, CS6, for sale, it can be found on some used sites like eBay. Just be aware that purchasing such software may be a risky proposition as the included activation code may still be invalid. In addition, you will not be able to access Adobes mobile apps and more recent Photoshop functionality if you follow this path. If you absolutely need Photoshop and refuse to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud, this would be your only legal option, but be careful.

Consider Adobe Photoshop Elements for lighter work

If you don’t find yourself doing heavy editing work, you may want to consider Adobe Photoshop Elements, which the company continues to offer for a standalone price of $ 100. You can import photographs and use the intelligent functions of the software to organize your library, as well as to impose modifications and effects. Due to the nature of Photoshop Elements which offers a very different set of features, we recommend try a free trial before buying.

Opt for an Adobe Photoshop alternative

Adobe is not the only company to develop excellent photo editing software. The Serif team has produced several fantastic creative applications under its Affinity brand. Affinity photo is one such great app that offers one-time purchase fees of only $ 50 but regularly includes promotional offers of up to 50% off. Download a trial today and see what you think of this great alternative. You can also check out our latest guide for other great Photoshop alternatives.

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