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No new virus cases in Pembrokeshire, but another 10 in Carmarthenshire


No new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Pembrokeshire, but another 10 have been found in Carmarthenshire.

No new cases have been reported in Ceredigion, but there are over 200 new cases in Wales.

Today (September 19th), 212 new cases were reported and 2 new deaths were recorded.

9,751 tests were conducted on Friday (September 18th).

Dr. Chris Williams, Incident Director of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in Public Health Wales, said: Sent due to lack of social distance.

“Also, the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 due to serious illness is increasing.

“Yesterday we issued a statement about growing concerns about the Bridgend, Ronda Sinon Tough and Mercertide Phil communities. Read the entire statement here.

“The coronavirus has not disappeared. It is the responsibility of everyone to prevent the spread of this virus and to protect the elderly and vulnerable family and friends. They are self-sufficient when asked to do so. You should do this by separating and washing your hands regularly, 2 meters away from others.

“Public Health Wales supports the restrictions introduced by the Welsh government and local governments in Caerphilly and Ronda Sinon Tough. A complete list of rules in these areas can be found on the Welsh Government website, Caerphilly. Click here and Ronda Shinon Tough can be found here.

“It is advised that the general public in Newport also needs to be vigilant about the symptoms of the coronavirus and that they need to stick to social distance guidelines as the number of incidents that cause concern increases.

“Currently, face covering is mandatory for all people over the age of 11 in public places, and in areas where local restrictions in Wales do not apply, only six people in extended households can meet indoors.


“If you or your family develop symptoms of coughing, fever, or altered taste or smell, you should immediately book a coronavirus test to control the spread of the infection.

“You and your family must self-isolate while waiting for your test results. If your Covid-19 test is positive, you should continue to self-separate for 10 days. Symptom-free. Other household members, including people, must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.

“We recommend that you take the test only if you have one of these symptoms, except for those that your employer tests on a regular basis, unless specifically advised by an expert.”

Home-based guides for households with potential coronaviruses are available in the government of Wales

Our role in testing and sampling

“Public Health Wales does not operate drive-through or walk-in sampling centers. These services are provided by either the Community Health Commission or the UK Department of Health and Human Services.

“Public Health Wales is responsible for processing tests and delivering test results, but most of the tests for Wales residents are processed by the Lighthouse Institute run by the Department of Health.”

Overseas travel

“Advice on overseas travel, including up-to-date information on quarantine requirements on return, can be found on the Welsh Government and FCO websites.

“People returning to Wales from countries identified as high risk should be quarantined according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs regulations, even if they do not have COVID-19 symptoms or have a negative test result.

“Suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 infection-high temperature, new, continuous cough, or loss of smell or taste (anosmia) -all require self-isolation and emergency testing.

“It’s free to get a coronavirus test. Please visit or call the free number 119.

“Confirmed cases should be isolated for 10 days and family members should be isolated for 14 days until there is no further risk of infection. A combination of these simple and effective actions will prevent the virus from spreading. ..

Contact tracking and general information

“Contact tracking continues as part of the Welsh government’s testing, tracking, and protection strategies. Anyone who tests positive for coronavirus will be contacted by a team of contact tracers and will have symptoms. You will be asked for the details of everyone in close contact.

“Record your activities so that you can easily remember whereabouts and contacts for a particular day.

“If you are asked to self-separate, you need to self-separate to prevent further spread of the virus.

“Tracers are trained staff and the personal information you provide is processed in accordance with data protection regulations and is not widely shared.

“Information on coronavirus symptoms is available on the Public Health Wales website or from the NHS 111 Wales Symptom Checker.

“Anyone who is experiencing coronavirus symptoms can apply for a home test kit by visiting / coronavirus or by calling 119 telephone services nationwide.

“Anyone suspected of having a coronavirus should not go to a doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, or hospital. You need to contact the NHS 111 if you can’t handle the symptoms at home, the symptoms get worse, or Only if you feel that your symptoms do not improve after 7 days.

“Call 999 only in the event of a life-threatening emergency. Do not call 999 just because you are staying at 111. Thank you for the busy line of 111. However, I will wait for a while and then respond. ”

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