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Bre Lowe appointed head hockey coach


Field hockey | 03/27/2020 09:12:00

TROY, N.Y. -Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Vice President and Director of AthleticsDr. Lee McElroy announced the hiring of Bre Loweto as head hockey coach. She comes to engineers from Hamilton College, where she has been a full-time assistant coach since 2016.

“We are pleased to welcome Bre to Rensselaer and look forward to continuing her success in developing and mentoring students,” said McElroy. “The Institute and the world adapting continuously to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bre obviously joins the department in unique circumstances. Nevertheless, we are convinced that it and our student-athletes will be resilient in building these relationships. which are essential to maximize performance academically, athletically and socially. “

“I am looking forward to this new journey and the incredible opportunity at Rensselaer,” said Lowe. “I am excited about the potential of the program and the ability to mentor student-athletes on and off the field. I am grateful to be entrusted with the future of the program and incredibly grateful to the mentors I have had during my coaching career. . “

Lowe joined the Hamilton staff in May 2016 and helped the team win an average of 10 wins per season (40-25) with 23 wins in the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) game (23 -17) under two different head coaches.

His responsibilities, in addition to managing the program during the transition between head coaches, included leading the team’s defensive unit and overall day-to-day operations, such as practice planning, distributing videos, recruitment, alumni relations and social media. She also assumed game management responsibilities for five other programs, participated as a staff liaison to the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and taught physical education.

Lowe was on the staff for the most successful season in NESCAC history in Hamilton when the 2016 team was 7-2 in the league and 12-5 overall. During her four-year tenure, she coached three All-Americans, one rookie of the year for the league, one defensive player of the year for the conference and 13 winners from all regions and a dozen All caps -NESCAC.

Before joining the Continentals, Lowe was an assistant coach at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn., For three seasons (2013-15), helping the Lynx score 42-18, including 20-4 at the Southern Athletic Association ( SAA). ). The team has been a finalist in the SAA Championship every three years and has won two titles. The 2015 team entered the second round of the NCAA tournament for the first time in the history of the school.

A native of Suffolk, Virginia, Lowe began two years as a midfielder at Christopher Newport University from 2009 to 2012. She ended her 67-game career with four goals, five assists and seven defensive stops, helping the captains to reach a 60 -16 record and four appearances at the NCAA tournament. As an elder, she helped the team achieve a record 17 wins on the program at the time. She was the team’s most useful player in 2011 and selected for the 2012 All-State team by Virginia’s sports news directors.

A four-time member of the National Academic Team of the National Association of Field Hockey Coaches, Lowe began his college coaching career as an intern at his alma mater during his last undergraduate semester. In this role, she helped recruit, develop exercises and trainers.

Since then, she has worked for the Stick Power Field Hockey Club as a U12 / U14 head coach and U16 / U19 assistant, has been an assistant coach with USA Futures Elite, an Olympic field hockey development program, and has coached a team of Futures tournaments from the region. Lowe was an assistant coach for Heritage High School at Newport News, Virginia from 2010 to 2012.

She graduated from Christopher Newport with degrees in psychology and miners in sociology and leadership studies.

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