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Complete the objection letter addressed to Commissioner Rosa for Jokowi


Former KPK investigator Kompol Rosa Purbo Bekti is not satisfied with the response from KPK management.

JAKARTA – Did not accept the response of the leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for his letter of objection, Kompol Rosa Purbo Bekti addressed an "appeal" to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). A letter of appeal in the form of a "request for administrative efforts in the form of an appeal on the dismissal of respectful officials hired to the Corruption Eradication Commission on behalf by Purbo Bekti ".

In a copy of the letter received by the Republika, the reason Rosa submitted to President Jokowi was that Rosa suspected that there was a unilateral transfer of the leadership of the KPK because he was involved in the KPK's arrest operation process (OTT) conducted in early January. It is known during the arrest of the Anti-Corruption Commission that Commission Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan appointed one of the PDI-P candidates for the fight Harun Masiku as a suspect.

The claimant was issued right after he dealt with a strategic matter that caught national attention so that the claimant's potential dismissal was linked to the handling of the case, wrote Rosa in his letter of appeal.

In the letter, Rosa wrote that the arrest should have been appreciated because it was an accomplishment to overcome political corruption which was one of the KPK's priorities. Because political corruption is one of the causes of the high cost of democracy in Indonesia.

Instead of obtaining an assessment, the petitioner was referred to the police and returned on February 1, 2020, said Rosa.

Also in her request, Rosa considered that the process of return to the institution of the national police contained many irregularities. Indeed, he was not asked for his return to the police, since his mandate at the KPK until September 23, 2020 could then be extended until 2026. Rosa also stressed that she had never received sanctions from the KPK for ethical violations.

A sudden withdrawal can set a precedent and have a psychological impact on law enforcement from the office of the Attorney General, the police and officials who have been to the KPK for not being able to act from independently in the future. Threats, terror and the lack of protection of law enforcement officials can cause the independence of KPK employees to be lost in the performance of their duties on the ground, Rosa wrote.

In her appeal, Rosa also included a letter regarding the cancellation of her withdrawal from the national police institution on January 21, 2020. Rosa assessed her return to the national police institution without approval from the originating agency and without assessment.

Letter from the Chief of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number: R / 21 / l / KEP. / 202O dated January 21, 2020 to the President of the KPK concerning the cancellation of the withdrawal of the assignment of the members of Polri because Kompol Rosa Purbo Bekti had just terminated his assignment on September 23, 2020. Signed by Commissioner General Gatot Eddy Pramono as Deputy Police Chief on behalf of the Chief of the National Police. This is to correct the previous letter of the letter number of the chief of the national police of the Republic of Indonesia; R / 32 / l / Kep / 2020 of January 13, 2020, writes Rosa.

Therefore, in the main point of her appeal, Rosa considered the executive letter of the Corruption Eradication Commission number B / 836 / KP. Cancellation and non-validity of 03/01/02/2020 on the response to the objection of February 20, 2020. He also requested the cancellation of the Secretary General's decree No. 123 of 2020 concerning the dismissal of civil servants Hornat detained at the Corruption Eradication Commission on behalf of the applicant and invalid.

Accept the petitioner's request to restore the applicant's position to its original position as an investigator for the KPK by issuing a decree on the appointment of Rosa Purbo Bekti or the applicant as an investigator for the KPK with the position, the classification and the rights and obligations as before the decree on the revocation of the decree of the secretary general number 123 2020 concerning the dismissal With Sincerely, the Officials Hired at the Commission of Eradication of Corruption in the name of Applicant, Rossa was still writing.

The appeal letter was signed by Rosa Purbo Bekti as the applicant with a copy of the Minister of Coordination of the Republic of Indonesia for Human Rights and Rights, the Indonesian Ombudsman, the president of the KPK, the supervisory board of the KPK, the national police, the police criminal investigation unit, As the Polri Human Resources and the headquarters of Propam Polri. Earlier, acting KPK law enforcement spokesman Ali Fikri confirmed that after being rejected by KPK leadership, Rossa immediately appealed to President Jokowi.

"Thus, Mas Rossa received a response from management, then Mas Rossa again submitted an appeal to the Indonesian president (Joko Widodo). Because the mechanism of the law is indeed like this, as of February 24, 2020", a explained Ali.

According to Ali, the KPK respected the measures taken by the former employee of the institution. Because, according to him, it was in conformity with the law n ° 30 of 2014 relating to public administration.

"Of course, due to the provisions of the law in force that mention each community, including Mas Rossa, we must fight for their rights, of course, we must respect the process," he said.

The KPK had previously determined that Rosa's objection letter was at the wrong address. The antitrust institution believes that Rosa is a member of the national police who is legally employed and her career development is still tied and remains subject to the Polri staffing system.

"In principle, it contains that Mas Rosa's objections are unacceptable because the address given here is false," said Ali.

Rosa's return to her home institution, the headquarters of the national police, had sparked controversy. In fact, the Corruption Eradication Commission reported Firli Bahuri et al to the KPK Supervisory Board. The chairman of the KPK task force, Yudi Purnomo Harahap, said that the alleged actions were not in accordance with procedures and risked violating the ethics of Rossa's return.

Yudi considered that the return was not in accordance with the mechanism in force. The reason is, according to Yudi, that Rossa's period of service at the KPK expired in September 2020. Rosa, said Yudi, had also never been found guilty of a violation of the law. ethics which was, moreover, an element of forced return to the original agency.

"That there are allegations of actions which do not comply with procedures and even have the potential to violate ethics, in particular the guarantees so that the KPK can operate independently", said KPK WP chairman Yudi Purnomo Harahap.

Source: Republika

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