Reduce the burden on people with dementia
Helping to relieve the burden on those living with and caring for dementia is the focus of this week’s awareness campaign across Australia.
Today, Dementia Action Week begins on World Alzheimer’s Day with the theme of “A little support makes a big difference.”
Elderly Care Minister and Australia’s senior Richard Colbeck said both efforts provide an opportunity to help people in difficult health care.
Around Australia, more than 447,000 people live with dementia.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form.
“We are facing a lot not only for individuals, but also for family and friends,” said Minister Colbeck.
He said that correct support can make all the difference – especially as COVID-19 continues to present challenges to elderly care facilities throughout Australia.
“Dementia has already affected nearly 500,000 Australians, and the number is growing rapidly,” Colbeck said.
“For Australia and similar countries around the world, it represents a major health challenge.
“Dementia is a progressive condition, but people can live an active and happy life for years after diagnosis.
“They deserve support not only from their families but from the community as a whole, ensuring that they live the best possible life.”
Minister Colbeck said it is important for older care providers to continue to allow visits to dementia patients and their families during a pandemic by following appropriate infection control protocols.
He urged all healthcare providers to consider an industry-consensual elderly care visitor access code that ensures that a pandemic response is proportional and best for the benefit of the population.
Dementia Action Week is hosted by Dementia Australia, which receives $ 38 million in government funding over the three years 2019-2022 to provide a national dementia support program.
This program not only improves awareness and understanding, but also connects people with dementia with services that enable self-management and help them live as long as possible.
Australian Dementia launched an ongoing campaign in May 2020 to reduce discrimination against people with dementia.
It aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia across the public, consumers, and healthcare professionals.
It also offers the government’s $ 3.7 million dementia-friendly community program.
In addition, the Specialist Dementia Care Program will fund the Dementia Care Specialist Unit in special nursing homes for the elderly.
The unit provides special care to people with very severe behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, alleviating or stabilizing the symptoms and allowing people to move to a less focused care environment. ..
Minister Colbeck said an additional $ 185 million investment in dementia, aging and elderly care missions also provided the necessary support.
“This significant investment continues to promote support for researchers looking for more effective treatments as well as ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and improve brain health,” said Colbeck. I did.
Dementia Behavior Week lasts until Sunday, September 27th.
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