CDC changes and then withdraws, affecting the spread of the coronavirus
The country’s top public health agencies are causing confusion by posting and then withdrawing a clear change in their position that the coronavirus can easily spread in the air.
New York-Top Citizens of the United States health Authorities have caused confusion by posting obvious changes in their location as to how easily the coronavirus can spread from person to person with small droplets in the air.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that the virus spreads primarily through small air droplets that fly in the air when someone coughs or sneezes. Most CDC guidance on social distance is built on that idea. Six feet is said to be a safe buffer between people who don’t wear masks.
In an interview, CDC officials also acknowledged increased evidence that the virus can sometimes spread to smaller aerosolized particles or droplets that spread over a wider area. That’s one of the public reasons health Experts encourage people to wear masks that can stop or reduce contact with both large droplets and aerosolized particles.
For months, the agency’s website has barely said anything about aerosolized particles. Therefore, the authorities’ position seemed to change when the CDC quietly posted an update on Friday discussing particles in detail. Authorities emphasized the importance of indoor ventilation, saying the virus could float more than six feet in the air. We also added songs and breathing to the way the virus travels in the air.
Federal health officials said on Monday that the post was incorrect and was released before full editing and clearance was completed. They said the CDC plans to clarify the thinking of the agency, but the agency did not immediately issue a statement or amendment.
In a statement released Monday, authorities said the revision of the “How COVID-19 Spreads” page occurred “without proper internal technical review.”
“We are reviewing the process and tightening the criteria for those reviews before all guidance and updates are posted on the CDC website,” the statement said.
The CDC has been under attack against past revisions of the guidance during the pandemic, partly driven by political considerations by the Trump administration.
At least one expert said the episode could further undermine public confidence in the CDC.
“This inconsistent guidance on COVID-19 by the government has seriously undermined the country’s confidence in our public health agencies,” said a senior health ministry official and welfare during the Obama administration.
“To correct the latest challenges, the CDC must acknowledge that the increase in scientific evidence indicates the importance of aerial propagation by aerosols.
The Associated Press School of Health Sciences is supported by the Science Education Department of the Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute. AP is solely responsible for all content.
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