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Not only Bollywood, the list of the 10 most profitable films includes three films of Prabhas



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Each year comes with a list of films that break existing records and bring us new success to thrive as an audience. It looks like, with the list below, the audience not only liked Bollywood movies, but liked movies like Baahubali more with the creation of new discs. With three big projects making its way into the list, superstar Prabhas has the list with 3 big projects, the only star to have three in the recently released Top 10 Most Profitable Movies list.


With a pan-Indian reach and a fandom beyond borders, this is not surprising. Check the list!


1. Baahubali – The conclusion – 1115.86 crore – The second part was the most awaited by the public because it solved many knots and was larger than the first. USP- Her pure revenge for the right reasons and to take back what was carried away by a plot! This movie is still an all time favorite because of Prabhas and still remains a blockbuster that we all loved, breaking records.


2. Baahubali – The beginning – 418.54 crore – This movie had taken the audience by storm and the only question at the end was: Why did Katappa kill Baahubali? The audience loved it and looked forward to the second part. The trailer had already created a huge buzz and was in demand all over the country where Prabhas reigns over hearts.


3. 2.0 – 413.30 crore- Technology is surely a boon but sometimes it can be a scourge and it shows how an old man seeks revenge – a star of Rajnikanth and Akshay Kumar. It is pure science fiction mixed with action film and we also see Chitti in a positive avatar.


4. Dangal – 387.29 crore – Aamir Khan's super hit and a motivational film, were based on the real story of the Phogat sisters and what they went through to become champions. The film surely inspired a lot and the process is worth the detour.

Salman khan

5. Tiger Zinda Hai – 339.00 crore – This is yet another Salman Khan film that was loved by the audience and how it very stubbornly highlights political issues and how it is all filled with action and action , emotions


6. PK – 337.72 crore – A comedy delivered by Aamir Khan where he gave an incredible performance and the audience had a big belly laugh while enjoying the film, facing certain social ills in easy and healthy humor.


seven. Sanju – 334.58 crore – A story based on the real life of Sanjay Dutt and his character, purely taken up by Ranbir Kapoor; the audience loved it and appreciated it until the end. The film proved to be a hit among all for its closest look at the story of the life of Sanjay Dutt.

Salman khan

8. Bajrangi Bhaijaan – 315.49 crore – A story about how a man crosses the borders from India to Pakistan to bring a little girl back to Pakistan who landed in India by mistake Salman Khan starrer won hearts for his tale beyond borders.


9. Saaho – 302.31 crore – A new screen coupling of Superstar Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor where the audience loved the chemistry on the screen and the action scenes and also marked the official debut of Superstar Prabhas in Bollywood. This film was a PAN-India release and recently crossed overseas to Japan and that is just proof that the craze for Prabhas is growing day by day.

Salman khan

ten. Sultan – 300.67 crore – This Salman Khan star was again based on how a small town guy becomes a national wrestling winner and the film had its own share of emotions and 39; excitation. A sport film purely based on wrestling.

xa1-1582879477READ ALSO: EXCLUSIVE: Has Deepika Padukone been approached for Prabhas Starrer by Nag Ashwin?

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