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Spread of coronavirus in the UK expected to increase, Johnson says


Boris Johnson warned that the spread of the coronavirus is likely to become greater across the United Kingdom, with the number of people infected increasing to 39.

our new cases were announced on monday, all among people who have recently traveled to italy, which is experiencing the largest epidemic in europe.

Earlier, the Department of Health said the UK total was 40, but one case diagnosed on Sunday turned out to be negative.

The Prime Minister warned earlier that more cases in the UK are likely as he urged people to wash their hands to the rhythm of Happy Birthday.

Speaking after an emergency Cobra meeting at which ministers discussed a battle plan to be released on Tuesday, Johnson said the spread of Covid-19 was likely to become more important for the UK in the coming days.

He said: We have also agreed on a plan for that if and when it starts to spread, as I fear it is likely that we will be able to take the necessary steps to contain the spread as much as possible of the disease. and to protect the most vulnerable.

Prime Minister said decisions to close schools and ban mass gatherings would only be made on scientific advice, adding: The most important thing for people to understand is that (the measures) will be guided by scientific advice.

The four UK countries and the Chief Medical Officers of Health are involved and they will help us make key decisions about when and how to take protective measures.

We can't forget that the most useful thing we can do to support the NHS is to wash our hands, twice for Happy Birthday, with hot water.

It is very important that people continue doing this and that they continue as usual.

Mr Johnson said he thought it was far more likely than not that the UK would face a coronavirus challenge in the weeks or months to come, and promised to give the NHS everything it asks to fight the epidemic.

Government sources told the AP news agency that it could be months rather than weeks before the peak of the UK epidemic.

In a suggestion that additional emergency powers weren't needed immediately, the source said: We don't want to have to make decisions before we do. As much as possible, we want people to continue their daily lives.

Legislation authorizing the government to use additional powers to help control the virus is expected to be submitted to Parliament by the end of the month.

Actions could include asking retired doctors and nurses to return to the NHS, encouraging people to work from home, closing schools, increasing class sizes, and canceling major public events.

Professor Paul Cosford, medical director emeritus of Public Health England (PHE), warned that widespread transmission of coronaviruses in the UK had become much more likely since not all cases could be traced abroad.

Asked about BBC Breakfast if a generalized infection was inevitable, Professor Cosford said: I wouldn't say something is inevitable, but it is now very likely.

He said it could happen in the next few days or it could take a little longer.

While most people would only suffer from a mild infection, healthy children and adults appearing to be at a much lower risk of serious complications, experts would worry most about the elderly and people with an underlying disease, he said.

In an article for the Evening Standard on Monday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said that the government is still working on controlling the virus in the UK, where people are identified and their close contacts have been traced.

But we are realistic that cases around the world are increasing and that we may not be able to count on them indefinitely, especially if the coronavirus becomes widespread in Europe, he added.

The next phase is the delay. We will pass to this phase if the world situation makes it impossible to control the virus.

He said the delay is to slow the spread, reduce the maximum impact and keep it away from the winter season when the NHS is under maximum pressure.

He said people should wash their hands and isolate themselves at home if asked to do so, and he didn't want to use the government to force people to do it.

He added: We may need to take further measures to delay the spread of the coronavirus, including measures that have already been taken by other European countries at more advanced stages of an epidemic. All options are on the table.

And while protecting the public is our first priority, wherever possible, we want to minimize the social and economic costs that certain options entail.

It will not help the situation or the NHS if we cause widespread social or economic disruption by going too far too fast. Our actions will always be guided by expert scientific advice: plan for the worst and work for the best.

A woman takes precautions in central London
Woman takes precautions in central London (Stefan Rousseau / PA)

Mr Hancock said that if the coronavirus becomes established in the British population, we can only delay for so long.

The next phase of mitigation would be to provide the best possible care to those who fall ill, with the best use of resources in the hospital system which will come under major pressure.

We will also focus on maintaining essential services at a time when a large part of the workforce may be ill.

He told ITV News that things will get worse before they get better, but said the government is aiming for minimal social and economic disruption, subject to people's safety.

Earlier, the European Commission increased the risk of coronavirus from moderate to high for those in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

One of the cases diagnosed on Monday was a worker from the offices of the North East London NHS Foundation Trust at Vinters Business Park near Maidstone in Kent.

Another is a student from a secondary school in Torbay.

Some 13 new patients in the UK were diagnosed on Sunday, including a staff member from Wimbledon College.

Matt Hancock
Matt Hancock (Stefan Rousseau / PA)

A spokesperson for the NHS Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group confirmed that a Davenport House GP surgery patient in Harpenden had been diagnosed with the virus.

She added: The practice has taken all appropriate precautionary measures as advised by experts from Public Health England. These included contacting the very small number of patients who were on site at the time. After that, the practice is fully open as usual.

A Stevenage school has confirmed that a parent tested positive, reported a local news website.

The comet showed screenshots of messages from Peartree Spring Elementary School, which said it had been advised by health officials not to close after confirmation.

Three of the new cases in England were linked to a man from Surrey, infected in the United Kingdom.

A clinician from the Mount Vernon Cancer Center in Northwood, Middlesex has been confirmed positive but has since tested negative, according to the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health confirmed that the total figure for the UK had dropped to 39 as a result.

Globally, around 86,000 people have been infected, with more than 3,000 deaths.

British Airways announced that it had canceled hundreds of upcoming flights in March, including from Heathrow, Gatwick and London City airports

Ryanair also reduced flights on certain routes, in particular to and from Italy, by up to 25% due to lower demand.


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