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Local blockades imposed in some cities as the number of British incidents increased


London – Cities around the UK imposed new coronavirus restrictions on Friday as they competed to slow the spread of COVID-19 — London was in immediate danger.

Leeds, a city of more than 750,000 in northern England, has banned residents from meeting members of other households indoors or in the backyard. Wigan, Stockport and Blackpool also faced new restrictions.

Indoor mixing at home is also prohibited in the Welsh cities of Cardiff, Swansea and Llanelli. And in Scotland, students were asked not to go to bars and restaurants this weekend.

With the previously announced local blockade, a quarter of the UK’s population is now living under strict restrictions.

Meanwhile, London, home to about 9 million people, has been added as a “concern” to the UK Government’s COVID-19 watch list. This means that if infections continue to grow in urban areas, the UK capital may also face new restrictions.

Mayor Sadick Khan blamed the lack of virus testing capacity for rising infection rates in London and said the testing had been diverted from the capital to other hotspots. Officials across the country have criticized the UK test program in recent weeks, as the deficiency impedes the ability to track and isolate infected individuals.

“London is at a very worrisome turning point. ICU sees 111 phone calls, hospitalizations and a surge in patients,” Khan said, referring to the UK Healthcare Hotline. “The near-collapse of tests and traces and the resurrection of the virus mean that new means of slowing its spread are absolutely necessary.”

The National Census Bureau estimates that there were about 9,600 new infections a day in the UK last week, up 60% from the previous week. The largest increase was among young people between the ages of 17 and 24.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the UK has recorded nearly 42,000 deaths from people tested positive for the virus, a figure that seems to underestimate the true casualties.

This week, the UK government fined people who violated quarantine and social distance rules to curb the proliferation of COVID-19 cases, while imposing a 10 pm curfew on pubs and restaurants. Some public health experts have criticized the measure, saying it has not progressed enough to stop the spread of the disease affecting all age groups and regions of the country.

Public Health Wales said it was concerned that the benefits gained from virus control during the summer could be wasted because people did not follow hygiene and social distance recommendations.

“If things get worse, we could end up with the same levels of infection we experienced earlier this year in March and April, which could lead to more nationwide regulation.” Said.

“The coronavirus has not disappeared. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent the spread of this virus and to protect the elderly and vulnerable family and friends.”

Researchers at King’s College London said on Friday that less than 20% of those who reported major symptoms of COVID-19 confirmed that they did not self-separate and spread the disease.

Most people were aware of the condition and expressed their willingness to self-separate before a positive reaction, but many need financial consideration and care for people outside the home. I failed to do so. Researchers said increased financial and practical support could improve compliance.

The survey is based on a survey of more than 30,000 people conducted by the UK Department of Health and Social Welfare from March to August.

“We have a high intention to run tests, track behavior, and isolate, but our results show low compliance,” researcher Louise Smith said in a statement. “This is a common pattern of health behavior, suggesting that people may be willing to stick, but may not be able to.”

Copyright 2020 Associated Press. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.


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