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Covid: Llanelli lockdown set to start after coronavirus surge


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Llanelli was the first town in Wales and was blocked without the rest of the county

The blockade of only the first town in Wales will come into effect later.

Llanelli in Carmarthenshire has restrictions imposed from 18:00 BST. Became the first restricted town, without any other part of the county to which it belongs..

The two largest cities in Wales-Cardiff and Swansea-follow the Covid-19 spike 24 hours later.

People in the 13th district of Llanelli cannot leave the town or mix indoors with people outside their homes.

In the town, 85 cases of coronavirus have been seen in the past week-24 in other parts of Carmarthenshire.

“We are worried about how rapidly the number of positive cases in the Llanelli area is increasing, and we can help block and break the chain of infections that are concentrated in the area to prevent blockades throughout the county. Action was taken to do so, “Emlin Doll, leader of the Carmarthenshire Council.

“We all have to do the right thing, follow the advice, and protect each other.

“Some parts of Llanelli are calling on people and businesses to make even greater sacrifices. We fully understand the implications of this, but there is no other way. We must stop the spread.”

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Weapons Investigation / Carmarthenshire Council

The infection rate of the entire town has reached 152 cases per 100,000 population. In the remaining counties, there are only 18 cases per 100,000 people.

Llanelli has joined the top three weekly infection rates across Wales, with Blaenau Gwent at 202 per 100,000 and Merthyr Tydfil at 169 per 100,000.

Neighboring Swansea reached a 7-day rate of 56 per 100,000 on Friday, and Cardiff reached 38 cases per 100,000.

The two areas will face the same additional coronavirus restrictions as Llanelli from 18:00 on Sunday.

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There are 9 areas of Wales under the limit

Maria Battle’s Chairman of the Highwell Dda University Health Commission said:

“To protect the health of people, including the most vulnerable, and to ensure that NHS resources are available to provide the care they need, we help the Llanelli population and the wider community more than ever. Needs. “

Additional testing capabilities have been introduced, including appointments at the Parc y Scarlets, Trostre’s Ty’r Nant, and the Carmarthen showground.

“There is no reason for Llanelli residents to travel too far for testing,” health officials said.

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