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This is what happens to your body in isolation for months


Staying at home for a very long time distorts the body, weakens the heart and lungs, and even impairs brain function. The effects of an isolated life can stay with us beyond the end of the pandemic (at any time).

This means that your body can be isolated for half a year, stay home, and tend to sit down.

Stay at home for a week, Whether you’re working, eating, or sleeping, you may find yourself comfortable and needed. However, all inactives can cancel the progress of the hard won.

That’s because it takes months to build muscle and can take just a week to lose it. Keith Barr, a professor of molecular motion physiology at the University of California, Davis, said that because of all our toughness, humans lose muscle faster as they get older.

When you lose muscle, you don’t necessarily lose bulk, but you lose strength, which Barr said is one of the “strongest indicators” of how long you live.

“The stronger we stay, the easier it is to maintain our lifespan.”

The heart and lungs are weakened

If you’re not exercising, you’re not raising your heart rate. And when the heart isn’t beating so strongly, it becomes weak, Barr said.

Dr. Panagis Gallia Tosas, a pulmonologist at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, does the same for your lungs when you are not active. Many of his patients said they felt their respiratory function was impaired because they were no longer tuned to exercise.

People with poor lung health are already thought to be susceptible to the coronavirus because of a respiratory illness and may be at home to reduce the risk of infection. However, if they are not moving and blood flow to the lungs is increased, the existing condition can be harmful anyway.

Exercise is the only key to improving both cardiac and lung function- “a single drug can’t do that,” Galia Tosas said. If it’s not safe to leave home, Barr recommends dancing for strength training at home or finding something for home use-think of a milk jug deadlift.

You get fat

If you stay home all day, you’re probably a few feet away from your pantry. Depending on your point of view, it can be convenient or dangerous.

With such easy access, the time to eat the Feeding window, or most meals, extends from 10 or 12 hours daily to 15 hours a day, which can be more than half a day. Insulin levels spike. Giles Duffield, an associate professor of anatomy and physiology at Notre Dame University who studies circadian rhythms and metabolism, said insulin promotes fat storage and the conversion of other fat molecules to fat. I will.

Excessive diet is also a problem, according to Dufffield, as many people stored non-perishable foods at the beginning of the pandemic in case of supply shortages. Many fresh foods are highly processed and rich in sugar and starch.

Weight gain during periods of intense stress is normal and will be relentlessly stressed in 2020. However, weight gain is dangerous when you become obese. After that, your body begins to resist insulin, which can lead to chronic health problems such as metabolic disorders and diabetes, Duffield said.

Your posture will be affected

We all have a sitting position that is unknowingly sinking. The spine is bent and the neck is bent. Raise your elbows on your chest.

However, epidemiologist and associate professor Brandon Brown of the University of California, Riverside Health Community Center can seriously affect posture when sitting and lying down all day, causing back, neck, shoulders, lower back, and eye damage. He said he had sex.

Brown recommends getting up from your seat once an hour, walking around and stretching a little. He said you might even be able to lie down on the floor and “readjust your back.”

Your sleep suffers

At least half of all Americans are deficient in vitamin D, which maintains bone density and repels fatigue. According to Dufffield, if you spend most of your day at home, you’re definitely one of them, the curtains say.

Sufficient sunlight in the morning helps synchronize the body’s circadian rhythm, Duffield said. So if you’re closed for a week or working in the dark, your sleep may get worse.

Brown said he didn’t have to worry about getting enough sunlight as long as he was taking a walk, exercising, working in the yard, or doing some out-of-home activities. According to Dufffield, if you can’t get out of the house or the weather isn’t good, artificial bright light can help your body recover and avoid blue light at night.

The brain slows down

A sedentary life can also slow down your brain.

Exercise can produce certain chemicals in the brain, break down toxins in the blood, prevent them from entering the brain, and kill brain cells, Barr said.

Not exercising means not breaking down amino acid by-products as efficiently as neurotoxins in the brain.

The effects of isolation are insidious-like pandemics, the physical symptoms after months of isolation are often unclear until harmful or extreme.

It is also possible to stop those symptoms before they embark on forever.

Prioritizing mental and physical health while at home requires some work, but a healthier response to uncertainty than keeping Covid-19 stationary until it is no longer a threat. Medical experts say it’s a mechanism. And when it is safe to live completely again, you are prepared.


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