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The Black Doctors have organized their own testing of the covid-19 vaccine amid politics and distrust.


“After coming to the clinic for 13 years to educate patients about the flu vaccine and dispel all the myths they had about it,” Carroll Scott said. I’m willing to take it. “

But now, it has been pointed out that politics may undermine the review process as the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention repeatedly assure the public that the new coronavirus vaccine is safe. Stopped people in the minority community To Get the vaccine when it becomes available — Physicians worried that the community has been disproportionately devastated by the covid-19 pandemic are at greatest risk of being excluded from vaccination efforts.

To alleviate fear within the minority community, a panel of black doctors will scrutinize the federal review of corporate vaccines, said Leon McDougle, chairman of the National Medical Association, the country’s largest and oldest group of black doctors.

“I’m concerned,” McDaggle said. MSNBC Thursday about the vaccine review process. “There was a cloud of political influence dating back to hydroxychloroquine … then recovery plasma,” he said, referring to various treatment options promoted by President Trump and other senior government officials. To our doctors in the African-American community and the National Medical Association. “

When asked what would happen if the panel didn’t approve the FDA-examined vaccine, McDougle said, “If black doctors are trusted in the community and don’t believe in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine,” it works. No. I will transfer it. “

McDaggle said NPR He told members of Operation Warpspeed, a project working on a virus vaccine, to publish test data about the virus.

The FDA referred to the Washington Post on a previous statement on the review process when asked about the panel, including testimony that Commission’s Stephen Hahn’s investigation of coronavirus vaccine candidates was thorough on Wednesday.

“I assure you and emphasize that all the decisions we made were made by career FDA scientists based on science and data rather than politics,” Hahn said. Hours later, in a news briefing, Mr. Trump hinted that he couldn’t sign the more rigorous review guidelines recommended by the FDA, calling the change “more than anything else a political move.”

As Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (D) announced Thursday, the review will also take place in New York, so it’s not just the National Medical Association that is investigating vaccine surveillance.

According to Richard J. Baron, Philadelphia-based American Internal Medicine Chairman and CEO, additional checks by external organizations may facilitate the scientific process. Baron said any discrepancies between the NMA and New York on the one hand and the FDA and the CDC on the other should raise concerns for federal agencies.

“I wouldn’t be responsible for the feet of organizations trying to maintain a scientific approach,” he said in an interview. “I don’t seem to have put it at the foot of a federal agency authorized to oversee the scientific approach, demonstrating its public commitment to it.”

Polls show that Americans are increasingly expressing concern about vaccines available later this year. Three-quarters of adults in the United States Investigation According to the Pew Research Center in September, there is at least some chance that the coronavirus vaccine will be approved before it is fully known whether it is safe and effective.

The reliability of the first-generation covid-19 vaccine is significantly lower among black Americans compared to whites and Hispanics. Less than 30% of blacks, 51% of whites and 56% of Hispanics, Axios-Ipsos August survey found. The gap narrowed when the people surveyed were asked about getting a flu shot.

Kaiser Permanente epidemiologist and researcher Smavpututli, who investigated influenza vaccination rates throughout the race, said monitoring vaccine safety has the effect of recruiting black patients and gaining trust. Vaccines for the black community, which is a common method and not safe.

“If you were trying to push a vaccine that might be unsafe in the black community and something went wrong and had a negative effect, all of this suddenly went in the opposite direction. “Vupturi told The Washington Post.

Kevin M. Ireka argued that science needed more black voices Harvard Business ReviewCiting a recent racist proposal by Two French scientists Studies to determine the efficacy of tuberculosis vaccines against coronavirus should be conducted in Africa.

Ireka, an analytical chemist at the pharmaceutical company Bristol Myers Squibb, compared the proposed indifference to Black Life with the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study. Body even after penicillin was developed.

In South Miami, Carol Scott unofficially investigated her patients for the availability of a coronavirus vaccine and found that “many patients were worried about speed.”

“Overwhelmingly the answer was no. I would say it was a consensus. I don’t think there was one patient who said she was ready to get this vaccine,” she said.

Carroll Scott is concerned that Trump’s priority is “re-election rather than a safe and effective vaccine,” raising concerns for patients with Trump’s rhetoric for the prompt arrival of vaccines. Said that.

Carol Scott believes that the name “Operation Warp Speed” alone has caused a lot of fear and doubt about the name given to White House’s efforts to expand vaccination. “Education is a top priority, and unfortunately, the whole conversation between vaccines and pandemics is tense and feels behind the eight-ball in terms of community education.”

Carroll Scott said he welcomed the news from the NMA Panel, as surveillance could help ensure people at the highest risk of life-threatening symptoms of the virus.

“We are a trusted messenger in these communities,” she said of the Black Doctors. “And if we question things and are completely unsure of this process, there is no way we can accept the patient. Board.”

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