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Parliament: Problems arise from time to time, but cooperation benefits S & # 39; pore and Indonesia, says Vivian Balakrishnan, Politics News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – The deep and multifaceted relationship between Singapore and Indonesia is rooted in the belief that cooperation is beneficial for both sides, said Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan on Monday March 2.

"However, there are problems that arise from time to time," he told parliament during the debate on his department's budget.

Dr Balakrishnan, responding to Mr Vikram Nair (Sembawang GRC) and Mr Seah Kian Peng (Marine Parade GRC), said that Singapore remains the largest investor in Indonesia, with strong economic cooperation, while the agencies security of the two countries maintain close and regular contact.

"We hold an annual leadership retreat between our Prime Minister and the Indonesian president, and this retreat involves many cabinet members on both sides," added Dr. Balakrishnan.

At last year's retreat in Singapore in October, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and President Joko Widodo announced "a framework that provides a solid and comprehensive basis for discussion" on the issues sensitive to airspace management and military training.

It sets out the fundamental principles and considerations of these questions.

While discussions are ongoing, Dr. Balakrishnan noted that no deadline has been set for their conclusion.

The framework includes dealing with matters in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) and the rules and provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the respect for the sovereignty of Indonesia over its territory.

It also includes respecting "Singapore's long-standing rights to provide military training in accordance with Unclos" and "the long-term needs of Changi Airport," said the minister.

Dr Balakrishnan also replied to Mr Chong Kee Hiong (Bishan-Toa Payoh RCMP), who asked about Singapore's relations with Brunei.

"Our long-standing and special relationship is based on solid strategic trust at the executive level and on the pillars of solid defense cooperation and currency interchangeability agreement", did he declare.

Under the 1967 Currency Interchangeability Agreement, Brunei dollar banknotes can be used in Singapore and vice versa, at an exchange rate at par.

Dr. Balakrishnan also said the two sides are exploring new areas of cooperation, such as agribusiness and financial technology (fintech), while strengthening ties between their younger generation of leaders through platforms such as the annual program young leaders.

About Asean, Prime Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Maliki Osman said the regional grouping is "a cornerstone of Singapore's foreign policy", enabling the country to foster peace and regional security and to pursue its strategic, economic and socio-cultural priorities.

Collectively, it is an attractive platform for major powers to engage the region, he added in response to Mr. Charles Chong (Punggol East), Mr. Henry Kwek (Nee Soon GRC) and Dr. Teo Ho Pin (Bukit Panjang).

"Asean also serves as a channel to coordinate collective responses to regional crises. For example, through humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts from Asean, we are able to alleviate the situation in Rakhine State. "

He also said preparations are underway for a videoconference meeting between Asean and the European Union to exchange information and best practices on the Covid-19 epidemic .

He added that Singapore has "substantial and growing economic, defense and people-to-people ties" with other Southeast Asian countries and is also exploring new areas.

In response to Mr. Gan Thiam Poh (Ang Mo Kio GRC), Dr. Maliki cited examples such as the Singapore and Philippines agreements to cooperate in emerging areas such as data protection and smart city infrastructure, Singapore's fintech cooperation with Thailand and the good progress of the seven Vietnam-Singapore industrial parks.

"We are convinced that cooperation in these areas will promote economic growth, social development and long-term stability in our region," he said.

Dr Maliki added that engagement with other countries in the region constitutes a channel for cooperation in addressing cross-border threats such as cybersecurity, climate change and terrorism.

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