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Cottage Grove Sentinel | New Coronavirus Cases Revived in Lane County


According to the Oregon Department of Health (OHA), the COVID-19 curve has begun to shift upwards in the state, with 2,540 people positive for the virus and five deaths in the past week.

Confirmed infection rates have been on a downward trend, but recent wildfires and numerous evacuation of government authorities around the state are believed to be the main causes of the low reports of confirmed cases of the virus last week. Has been done. Between noon Thursday and noon Friday, 457 new cases — 50 in Lane County, now 1,164, including 18 deaths, have been reported by Lane County Public Health.

As of Friday, 97424 zip codes have a total of 38 reported cases, and 97426 zip codes have 16 reported cases.

At this point in the pandemic, 32,315 cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the state (as of September 25), and 542 people have died from the virus.

The steadily increasing number of cases since the Labor Day Weekend urged a strong warning on Thursday from Dr. Jim McGavan, Medical Affairs Jim McGavan, Head of Peace and Health Oregon Network, on behalf of the Lane County Public Health Advisory Group.

“More than six months have passed since the pandemic began, and COVID-19 is still very much left. In fact, the preparations made by hospitals and other healthcare providers at the beginning of the outbreak now need to be leveraged. It looks like it is, “he said in a statement released Thursday. “To date, we have reached the maximum number of positive and positive cases of COVID-19, so there is a big surge.”

The main issue that continues among some residents is the disagreement issued by Oregon Governor Kate Brown regarding the need for masking obligations, and some local residents and visitors to the area. Only wears a mask in public spaces. In some cases, ignore the requirement altogether.

The mask issue has become a flash point for people dealing with pandemics in their personal and business lives, and McGavan continues to argue that wearing a mask is one of the most effective tools in the public. He added his voice to the chorus of medical professionals and scientists at this point, protecting himself and others, especially the most vulnerable people, such as those in their existing condition or individuals over the age of 50.

“This isn’t just our wake-up call. It’s a call for action,” McGovern said. “Now, more than ever, it’s more important for each member of the community to play their part in stopping the spread. Wearing a mask, keeping social distance, and practicing proper hand hygiene. It is also important to avoid large gatherings, as they contribute to the increase in incidents. “

Masks, face covers and face shields are now needed for entire offices and indoor public spaces (eg grocery stores, pharmacies, public transport, personal service providers, restaurants, bars, retail stores, etc.). If a physical distance of at least 6 feet is not possible, you will also need a mask, face cover, or face shield in an outdoor public space.

Children over 5 years old must wear a face cover. People with disabilities or medical conditions can request accommodation from their business if they are unable to wear it.

“These are small actions that can have a big impact. They are science-based and supported by the very people you have entrusted to your life,” McGovern said. “Our hospitals and first aid personnel are in place, but each of us in Lane County needs to play our part in protecting family, friends, neighbors, and the entire community. Reliable. Help your health partners (doctors, nurses, nurses, and other health care providers) maintain the health and safety of Lane County. “

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