Get a flu shot with a drive-through vaccine “shootout” in southern Utah
Influenza vaccination will be more important than ever in 2020. The Center for Disease Control estimates that as many as 740,000 people were hospitalized for influenza A during the 2019-2020 season. It’s a lot of misery, money and time that was wasted unnecessarily. Influenza vaccination probably prevented most of these hospitalizations and millions of other flu cases suffering at home.
“This year’s influenza and COVID-19 pose a double threat when it comes to hospitalization,” said Dr. David Brodget, MD, director and health officer of the Southwestern Utah Public Health Service. “Patients with the flu will compete for the same emergency department beds, hospital beds, ICU beds, ventilators, personal protective equipment (PPE), test materials, and healthcare providers. Vaccination reduces the burden of influenza and helps hospitals better care for COVID-19 patients. “
Know the facts, not the flu.
Influenza vaccines (shots) are usually available from early fall to winter. Vaccines change annually, so influenza precautions should be taken for best prevention each year. Influenza vaccines are extremely safe and are the most effective means of preventing or reducing the severity of influenza infections.
“The best time to get a flu shot is from late September to October, before the flu season begins,” Blodgett said. “It’s never too late to get a flu shot. Influenza cases will appear throughout the winter. Influenza vaccinations, especially this year, to protect medical resources and prevent the spread of the flu infection. Plays the role of. “
Get clues and fight the flu.
Like COVID-19, influenza is highly contagious. All the same precautions for COVID-19 also help reduce the spread of influenza. Like COVID-19, the flu can spread to others up to 6 feet away from an infected person just by sneezing, coughing, or talking, even before symptoms begin to appear. Social distance and masking help prevent the spread of both viruses. Wash your hands frequently during the flu season. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Covers coughing and sneezing. And most importantly, stay home when you’re sick so you don’t infect others, especially those who are most susceptible to the flu.
“At home when sick is the easiest way to prevent the spread of both the flu and the coronavirus,” Blodgett said. “If you have a fever, chills, body aches, cough, etc., stay home. After the fever and other symptoms have subsided for at least 24 hours, use a face mask to return to school, work, or errands. The mask is new to all of us in 2020, but it could reduce the number of cases of fever. “
Influenza vaccination is not all of you.
Some people are not vaccinated against the flu. People with life-threatening allergies to the vaccine and its ingredients, people with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and newborns cannot be vaccinated against the flu. These people must rely on herd immunity and the idea that when most people get the flu vaccine, it helps protect the entire population.
“The most endangered complications of COVID-19 and influenza and hospitalization are very young people over the age of 65, and people with immunodeficiency,” said Blodgett. “If you’re not worried about getting the flu yourself, get vaccinated for someone who may be dependent on not getting your flu.”
Infants under 6 months of age cannot be vaccinated against the flu, but they are not too old to be vaccinated against the flu. High-dose shots that promote a better immune response are available from ages 50 to 65. Higher doses are available for people over 65 years of age.
End the flu with you
“The only best way to prevent the spread of the flu and the disease is to get a flu shot every year,” Brodget said. “It is absolutely the best and most effective way to avoid the flu. When the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, it will prevent the spread of the disease as well. Science towards the coronavirus vaccine It’s progressing. It’s miraculous that COVID-19 is with us, but treatments and potential vaccines are developed in a short period of time. “
Don’t get caught without a shot!
The Southwestern Utah Health Department hosts influenza eradication campaigns every Tuesday, September 29, at the 1770 Red Cliffs Drive in St. George. Drive-through shots are available in parking lots over the age of 18 from 9am to noon. The cost is $ 20. Free with most insurance proofs. Save Time — Download, print, fill out, and submit consent form at @ This shootout will also help the public health sector in southwestern Utah prepare for the COVID-19 shootout. This will be announced when the vaccine becomes available.
If you miss a flu shot, you can get the vaccine from your doctor, Intermountain Healthcare pharmacies, and many retailers. To find a vaccine near you, visit
This LiVe Well column represents a collaboration between medical staff at the non-profit Intermountain Healthcare Hospital and medical professionals at The Spectrum & Daily News.
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