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Northmen hockey players recognized in All-BNC teams | Sports


PETOSKEY Northmen hockey players have already won All-Northern Michigan Hockey League honors and recognition from all states for their work on the ice this season. Now a handful can add the Big Conference honors North to the list.

100% BNC caps have recently been announced by the league, with six Petoskey players recognized.

Petoskey had their first team selection with senior Nick Aown, who set a new Petoskey record with 58 season points, with 23 goals and 35 assists. It was good for a tie for 12th place in the state.

Although he has won All-State honors this season, Petoskeys Derek Hebner, a junior defender, earned the second All-BNC team in a season by 50 points in total. Hebner scored 29 points and added 21 assists.

Other Northmen who have won league recognition include juniors Ethan Decker and Will Parker, second-year student Liam Nolan and first-year student Dylan Robinson. All of them deserved the honors of the honorable mention.

Parker started each game in the Northmen’s goals and ended the year with 491 saves, which has led the BNC this season.

Decker scored 11 goals and 19 assists, Robinson scored 16 goals and 19 assists and defenseman Nolan scored two goals and three assists.

The full teams for the 2019-2020 Big North conference included:

Forward: Charlie Douglass, Father, Traverse City Central

Forward: Nick Aown, Sr., Petoskey

Forward: Will Dawson, So., Traverse City Central

Forward: Michael Schermerhonrm, So., Traverse City West

Defender: Ethan Vander Roest, Jr., Traverse City Central

Defender: Josh Reese, Jr., Traverse City West

Goalkeeper: Mason West, Fr., Traverse City West

Forward: Anden Marceau, Fr., Alpena

Forward: Gabe Kleinsorge, Sr., Gaylord

Forward: Nick Sommerfield, Sr., Traverse City Central

Defender: Sam Gorno, Sr., Gaylord

Defender: Derek Hebner, Jr., Petoskey

Goalkeeper: Grant Neuhardt, So., Traverse City Central

Colton Hurst, So., Gaylord

Vaughn Voss, So., Gaylord

Austin Sitz, Jr., Gaylord

Dylan Robinson, Fr., Petoskey

Ethan Decker, Jr., Petoskey

Liam Nolan, So., Petoskey

Will Parker, Jr., Petoskey

Fisher Moore, So., Cadillac

Bryan Farley, Jr., Cadillac

Jack Schmittdiel, father, Cadillac

Colin Lightfoot, Jr., Alpena

Evan Kraenzlein, Jr., Alpena

Tanner Orban, father, Alpena

Blaise Keller, Jr., Alpena

Murphy Kehoe, Jr., Traverse City West

Grant LaFaive, Jr., Traverse City West

James Bradfield, So., Traverse City Central

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