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Dietary folic acid, magnesium, and dairy products can all help stop gut cancer



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Folic acid, magnesium, and dairy products can all help stop gut cancer, but there is no evidence that garlic, onions, fish, tea, and coffee prevent the disease, and pooled data published in the journal. Finding a comprehensive analysis of the analysis Intestines..

In the United States alone, 1 in 20 people can develop the disease At some point in their life. And worldwide, by 2030, more than 2.2 million new cases and 1.1 million deaths are projected each year.

Deaths from the disease are declining in most developed countries, but new cases are increasing in some countries, such as Canada, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Disease screening can detect the disease in the early stages of treatment, but its uptake varies considerably from country to country.And because it takes more than 15 years for the intestines According to researchers, developing a healthy lifestyle has an important role to play in helping to stop or stop its progression altogether.

Therefore, they trolled the relevant research database for published systematic reviews and meta-analysis (pooled data analysis). And Assess the impact of diet and medical factors on the risk of gut cancer.

Medical Factors Included: Aspirin; Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as Paracetamol. And statins.

Dietary Factors Included: Vitamins or Supplements (Magnesium, Calcium, Folic Acid, Vitamins A, B, C, E, D, β-Carotene and Serene); Coffee; Tea; Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids; Dairy Products; Fibers; Fruits and Vegetables; meat; and alcohol.

They included related studies published in French or English between September 1980 and June 2019, but excluded studies involving people at high risk of developing intestinal cancer. .. The comprehensive (umbrella) analysis of the pooled data analysis contained about 80 articles out of a total of 343 articles.

The results showed that aspirin is more likely to prevent gut cancer, reducing risk by 14% to 29% at low doses of 75 mg / day and reported dose-response effects of up to 325 mg / day. ..

Use of NSAIDs for up to 5 years was associated with a significant (26% to 43%) reduction in the incidence of intestinal cancer.

Magnesium intake of at least 255 mg / day is associated with a 23% lower risk compared to minimum intake. It was not possible to determine the threshold dose from the available data, but the risk was reduced by 12-15%.

Similarly, eating dairy products was associated with a 13% to 19% lower risk of illness.However, the number of meta-analyses available is small and many different findings and diversity Be warned of researchers, as it is included, it is difficult to draw a firm conclusion about the amount needed to prevent the disease.

Fiber intake was associated with a 22% to 43% reduction in risk, while fruit / vegetable intake was associated with up to 52%. , There are additional benefits for every 100 g / day of intake.

Dietary soy intake was associated with a slight but significant reduction in risk (8-15%).

However, there was no evidence that vitamins E, C, or multivitamins were protective. Similarly, there was no evidence that beta-carotene or selenium helped stop the disease.

Data on the effects of tea were weak or ambiguous. Garlic or onions; Vitamin D alone or in combination with calcium; Coffee and caffeine; Fish and Omega 3; Vitamin A and B vitamins have inconsistent protective effects.

Observational studies of high calcium intake showed a moderate protective effect, but a meta-analysis of clinical trial data showed no protective effect and increased risk.

Similarly, observational study meta-analyses suggest that statins may reduce the risk of cancer, but clinical trial data meta-analysis did not show a positive effect.

Most of the available meta-analyses in observational studies reported an increased risk of meat, especially lean and processed meats, by 12% to 21%. Dose-effect studies have reported a 10-30% increase in risk for every 100 g / day of lean meat added.

Alcohol was associated with a significant increase in risk. The higher the intake, the greater the risk. This was also evident in the lowest levels of consumption surveyed (1-2 tablespoons per day).

Researchers warn that the level of evidence is low or very low in most cases, primarily due to significant differences in study design, endpoints, number of participants, and so on. And they point out that “optimal dose and duration of exposure / intake of either product, even for low-dose aspirin and other compounds that are widely evaluated.”

Nonetheless, they suggest that their findings can help clinicians advise on the best diet to lower patients. And it guides the direction of future research.

Reduced risk of death from intestinal cancer associated with increased omega-3 intake after diagnosis

For more information:
Review: Recent Advances in Clinical Practice: Chemical Prevention of Colorectal Cancer in the Average Risk Population, Intestines (2020). DOI: 10.1136 / gutjnl-2020-320990

Quote: Dietary folic acid, magnesium, and dairy products are all available from https: // on September 28, 2020. May 28, 2020) to help stop.html

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