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The best clothing trend for anyone who’s undecided, like me


two-color trend. It’s cool, it’s Princess Diana approved, and it’s an easy fix for anyone who experiences as much indecision as I do. Why settle for one color when you can have two? “Data-reactid =” 12 “> My typical online shopping experience tends to look a bit like this: find a specific item I like, browse each color option it contains, keep adding each color or print option to my basket, then let them sit in my basket for a few hours while I try to reduce them to one. I like the options, and being forced to make a singular decision is not the “one of my strengths. This probably explains why I am a big fan of the two-color trend. It’s cool, it’s Princess Diana approved, and it’s an easy fix for anyone who experiences as much indecision as I do. Why settle for one color when you can have two?

two-tone color blocking has been a fashion week favorite for the past few seasons thanks to the likes of Celine’s popular mismatched sandals and the handful of contrasting patterns that followed. But the two-tone hero of this season is clearly the spring dresses. Between a classic combination of pink and red with more unexpected options like a green and black dress, the 16 upcoming two-tone dresses are a pure relief for anyone who has trouble choosing their sides. “Data-reactid =” 13 “> The two-tone color blocking has been a fashion week favorite for the past few seasons thanks to the likes of Celine’s popular mismatched sandals and the handful of contrasting patterns that followed. But the two-tone hero of this season is clearly the spring dresses. Between a classic combination of pink and red with more unexpected options like a green and black dress, the 16 upcoming two-tone dresses are a pure relief for anyone who has trouble choosing their sides.

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Take a page from Vic Styles’ book and add color to your vacation wardrobe.

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Reflective dress (190 $) “data-reactid =” 47 “>C / Meo Collective Reflective dress ($ 190)

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Black green thistle dress ($ 539) “data-reactid =” 66 “>Paris Georgia Black green thistle dress ($ 539)

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Two-tone sheath dress Sierra (187 $) “data-reactid =” 83 “>Lee mathews Two-tone sheath dress Sierra ($ 187)

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Twisted cotton-poplin mini dress (56 $) “data-reactid =” 100 “>ASOS design Twisted cotton-poplin mini dress ($ 56)

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The most obsolete fashion “rule” to ever exist: black and brown cannot be worn together. Alyssa Coscarelli’s leather wrap dress proves how wrong it is.

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Shoko sweater (165 $) “data-reactid =” 134 “>Staud Shoko sweater ($ 165)

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Echeveria two-tone cady midi dress (145 $) “data-reactid =” 151 “>Iris and ink Echeveria two-tone cady midi dress ($ 145)

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Biccel mini dress (258 $) “data-reactid =” 168 “>Lovers + friends Biccel mini dress ($ 258)

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Adela puff sleeve dress ($ 281) “data-reactid =” 185 “>Lee mathews Adela puff sleeve dress ($ 281)

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This dress could have looked good in both colors, but I’m inclined to believe it looks so much better in both.

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Midi dress in degraded stretch jersey (485 $) “data-reactid =” 219 “>Ellery Midi dress in degraded stretch jersey ($ 485)

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Asymmetrical draped mini dress in two-tone fluid jersey (183 $) “data-reactid =” 236 “>Attica Asymmetrical draped mini dress in two-tone fluid jersey ($ 183)

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Paneled jersey dress (125 $) “data-reactid =” 253 “>COS Paneled jersey dress ($ 125)

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Dress with contrasting solid straps (23 $) “data-reactid =” 270 “>ASOS White Dress with contrasting solid straps ($ 23)

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Even the most chic silhouettes can benefit from a two-tone makeover.

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Harrison asymmetric cotton shirt dress ($ 395) “data-reactid =” 304 “>Tibi Harrison asymmetric cotton shirt dress ($ 395)

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Color-block Jacqueline dress ($ 217) “data-reactid =” 321 “>Black coral Color-block Jacqueline dress ($ 217)

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Two-color twisted dress (194 $) “data-reactid =” 338 “>Rachel Pally Two-color twisted dress ($ 194)

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Wrap dress in contrasting satin (53 $) “data-reactid =” 355 “>ASOS White Wrap dress in contrasting satin ($ 53)

28 beautiful spring dresses under $ 200.“data-reactid =” 356 “>Following, 28 beautiful spring dresses under $ 200.

Who what to wear“data-reactid =” 357 “> This article was originally published on Who what to wear

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