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A new set of studies to save young lives by better understanding the diagnosis of childhood cancer


A new research study, led by experts at the University of Nottingham, aimed at understanding how cancer in children and adolescents across the UK is diagnosed begins today in Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month (September). it was done.

Childhood cancer diagnostic research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIHR) and the leading childhood cancer charity, the Childhood Cancer and Leukemia Group (CCLG).

The project aims to help researchers understand the path from the onset of symptoms to the diagnosis of cancer in children and adolescents.

To do this, experts collect information about the symptoms they experience, who they first go to see with these symptoms, and how long it takes to reach a diagnosis.

The study will be conducted at the Center for Pediatric Brain Oncology at the University of Nottingham and will be led by Dr. Shaarna Shanmugavadivel, a university pediatrician and postdoctoral fellow at NIHR, and statisticians Jo-Fen Liu, Shalini Ojha, and professors. David Walker and Kavita Vedhara of University School of Medicine.

Childhood cancer is the most common cause of death in children, teens and young adults in the United Kingdom, and many experience significant delays in diagnosis. Delayed diagnosis can reduce the survival rate of patients and worsen their long-term health.

All children diagnosed with cancer over a two-year period will be offered the opportunity to participate in the study. This helps the research team build a complete picture of the factors that influence the path and time to diagnosis.

The findings are also the Child Cancer Smart project, a collaboration between CCLG and the University of Nottingham, in partnership with CLIC Sargent and the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust, with the goal of developing guidance for healthcare professionals to help recognize and create symptoms. Also provide information. Appropriate introduction. Child Cancer Smart also creates a variety of recognition tools for both healthcare professionals and the general public to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer.

Childhood Cancer Month

Dr. Shaarna Shanmugavadivel, a postdoctoral fellow at NIHR and a principal investigator in the study, said: “Cancer symptoms in children are often nonspecific and mimic other, more common childhood illnesses.

“The misconception by the general public and experts that childhood cancer is rare means that it is often not considered until the child has multiple symptoms and advanced disease. Time is very important. If left untreated, the tumor can grow, spread throughout the body, and cause serious damage, requiring more extensive surgery and more intensive treatment to achieve cure.

“Because of the lack of awareness of symptoms between the general public and healthcare professionals, and the lack of child-specific diagnostic tools to help healthcare professionals see these children and adolescents. , Delayed diagnosis is often multifactorial.

This project will focus on investigating and addressing this issue, ultimately ensuring better survival and long-term outcomes for children. ”

Ashley Gamble, CCLG’s CEO, said: “We are proud to begin childhood cancer diagnostic research during this childhood cancer awareness month.

“Many children are experiencing a long delay in diagnosing cancer. Our goal is to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms, and the actions to be taken, among both healthcare professionals and the general public. Is to increase.

“We know that both the time and survival rate for diagnosing cancer in children are inferior to those in comparable European countries. Take steps to coordinate the early diagnosis of these cancers. Reduces the risk of death, reduces treatment-related side effects, and improves the quality of life for survivors. “

Health Minister Jo Churchill said: “We are confident that children and adolescents are receiving the best possible cancer treatment, and early diagnosis is an important part of this.

“British children and adolescents benefited from the first new generation of CAR-T cancer treatment in Europe. We hope to increase youth participation in clinical trials to 50% by 2025. I promised that this new study by NIHR will be an important step in understanding cancer diagnosis in young people. “

Childhood cancer diagnostic studies will be held in all major treatment centers (community hospitals treating children with cancer) over the next few months and will run for two years. All newly diagnosed children are invited to participate in the study by asking their parents for permission to use routine diagnostic data collected by the child’s oncology team.

/ Public release. The material in this public release is from the original organization and may be of a particular point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style, and length.Fully visible here..


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