Experts say parliamentary politics cannot easily undermine security
Despite public legitimate concerns about political rhetoric, politics has not affected the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, several public health experts testified to Congress on Wednesday.
Dr. Mark McClellan, director of the Duke Margolis Health Policy Center at Duke University and former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, said both government and independent researchers are closely monitoring the vaccine development process.
“It’s not an easy process to confuse this just because someone says something about it,” he said. “But that undermines confidence.”
President Donald Trump said In many cases, coronavirus vaccines may be available “immediately”, “within a few weeks” and before election day. It raised fears that the White House might pressure the FDA to authorize vaccines before going through a full regulatory oversight process, as it happened with at least two COVID-19 treatments.
Public health and medical experts, who testified before the House Energy and Commerce Commission on Wednesday, said they hadn’t discounted it completely, but didn’t think it was possible.
If the COVID-19 vaccine is released before it has been thoroughly and properly scrutinized, scientists and researchers will tell them so the general public will know it, said the director of the Children’s Vaccine Education Center. One Dr. Paul A. Ofitt said. Philadelphia Hospital.
“People like Dr. have also contacted us. Francis Collins and Tony Forch are both trusted by the American people, and many other scholars and researchers do not support it,” the FDA told us. Ofit, who is also a member of an independent vaccine review board that advises, said.
McClellan has seven former FDA commissioners on Tuesday Published an opinion article The Washington Post states that while the Trump administration undermines the FDA’s credibility, it remains confident in the integrity and quality of scientific research by its staff.
If there was a “home run” in science and the entire research and process was fully advanced, the vaccine would only be approved within the following month, even under an emergency license. Still, there will be strict FDA oversight, McClellan said.
Having politicians talk about the timeline only makes the water muddy and leads to useless turmoil, said Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.
The process will be healthy if the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention career scientists are allowed to work and speak freely with the general public., He said.
“What I wanted was for politicians to be basically quiet, to beat it, stop talking about dates, and move the scientific process forward,” he said. “It’s very helpful and will be very helpful in providing Americans with a guarantee that this is a sincere process.”
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