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The COVID-19 test caused cerebrospinal fluid leakage in rare US patients: study

The COVID-19 test caused cerebrospinal fluid leakage in rare US patients: study
The COVID-19 test caused cerebrospinal fluid leakage in rare US patients: study


Spanish healthcare professionals take a sample of cotton swabs from a man in Madrid, Spain

Spanish healthcare professionals take a sample of cotton swabs from a man in Madrid, Spain

The COVID-19 nasal swab test pierced the inner wall of the brain of a woman in the United States, leaking fluid from her nose and putting her at risk for a life-threatening infection, doctors reported in a medical journal Thursday.

Patients in their 40s are in a rare, undiagnosed condition and may have been improperly tested. This is a series of unlikely events that means that the risk of nasal examination is very low.

But her case showed Care must be taken to strictly follow the test protocol, senior author of the paper that appeared in Jarrett Walsh, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Told AFP.

People with widespread sinusitis or He added that he should consider requesting an oral examination if possible.

“It emphasizes the need for proper training of the people who perform the test and the need for vigilance after the test is performed,” he added. And Dennis Klaus, a throat expert at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, was not involved in this paper.

Walsh, practicing at the University of Iowa Hospital, said the woman went to the nose Before and after selective hernia surgery, I noticed clear fluid coming out of one side of her nose.

Later, she developed headache, vomiting, stiff neck, and aversion to light, and was transferred to Walsh’s treatment.

“She had previously wiped the same side with another procedure and had no problems at all. Perhaps the second swab didn’t use the best technique and it feels like the entry was a bit high. “He said.

In fact, women were treated many years ago -Means pressure from What protects and nourishes the brain was too expensive.

Doctors at the time used a shunt to drain some of the water and the condition disappeared.

However, it caused her to develop a so-called encephalocele, or a defect in the base of the skull, causing the lining of the brain to protrude into the nose, where it was prone to rupture.

This wasn’t noticed until an old scan was reviewed by her new doctor who had surgery to repair the defect in July.

Since then she has fully recovered.

Walsh said she believed that the symptoms she developed were the result of stimulation of the inner walls of the brain.

If the problem was untreated, she could have developed a potentially life-threatening brain infection from bacteria that had traveled up her nose.

Alternatively, air may have entered the skull and put excessive pressure on the skull. ..

Most test protocols require clinicians to follow the path of the nasal floor above the roof of the mouth, rather than pointing the swabs up. If you are facing up, be very careful.

Walsh said this was likely to be a very rare event, but given the need for quality training given that hundreds of millions more tests would be performed before the pandemic was over. It reminded me.

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© 2020 AFP

Quote: The COVID-19 test caused cerebrospinal fluid leakage in rare US patients: Study (2020, October 2, 2020) Patients obtained on October 2, 2020 from -fluid-leak-.html

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