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Giving a newborn baby a mother’s poop “reduces the risk of asthma and allergies,” the study claims.

Giving a newborn baby a mother’s poop “reduces the risk of asthma and allergies,” the study claims.


Scientists say babies born by caesarean section need to be given a small amount of mother’s poop mixed with breast milk to boost the immune system.

Researchers have found that newborns that do not pass through the mother’s vagina have a lower microflora and are at increased risk of developing asthma and allergies as infants and toddlers.

Scientists say this is probably because they are not exposed to the mother’s vaginal and perineal microflora at birth, which adversely affects the development of the immune system.

While some studies have investigated whether wiping the baby’s skin with vaginal fluid immediately after birth reduces this risk, a new study shows a more radical way to expose the newborn to the maternal microflora. Is provided.

It suggests that a small amount of mother’s excrement diluted with breast milk and given immediately after delivery can help the immune system.

According to scientists, three months after the study, the results showed that newborns had a more similar microbial composition to babies born transvaginally than babies born by caesarean section.

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Sture Andersson of the University of Helsinki Children’s Research Center and the University of Helsinki Hospital in Finland, who co-authored the study, said: “From a clinical point of view, this microbial transfer occurs during vaginal delivery. This is a gift the mother gives to her baby.”

The immune system is underdeveloped at birth, but when the baby begins to live in the outside world, it matures in response to exposure to microorganisms.

According to experts, everyone’s microbiota is personalized, but the overall pattern of bacterial types colonizing the intestine differs between babies born transvaginally and babies born by caesarean section. I will.

These changes appear to make a difference in how the immune system learns to respond to external stimuli, including potential allergens, the researchers said.

Willem de Boss, another co-chief author of the Human Microbiome Research Program at the University of Helsinki and the Institute of Microbiology at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, said: Effectively and supports the concept of vertical movement from mother to baby.

Many women are refused to request a Caesarean section
(Image: Westend61)

“But it’s very important to tell people that this isn’t something you should try for yourself. Samples need to be tested for safety and suitability.”

Mothers who participated in the study in Helsinki were recruited in a leaflet in the doctor’s waiting room. About 30 women asked the researchers for more details and 17 agreed to participate.

Ten of them were found to have contraindications such as recent antibiotic developments and potentially dangerous microbes, and seven mothers who were finally scheduled for Caesarean section were enrolled.

The baby underwent a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) shortly after birth. Mother’s fecal samples were collected 3 weeks ago.

The baby was hospitalized for 2 days after the transplant to confirm that there were no complications.

The baby’s own fecal microflora was retested at birth and at 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 3 months. The baby also had a blood test two days after birth.

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By the third month of life, researchers found that the microbiota of babies who underwent FMT was similar to that of babies born transvaginally.

They were different from the microflora of babies and mothers born by caesarean section.

Scientists said the researchers used data and global datasets previously collected at the same hospital as the baseline for these comparisons.

Anderson added that while the study may seem offensive to most people, mothers who agreed to participate in the study were very motivated.

One woman who was giving birth to twins was told that she could give FMT to one baby and use the other as a kind of control.

She declined, saying she didn’t want to unfairly benefit one of her babies by getting a transplant.

In future studies, researchers plan to study the development of the immune system in cesarean infants who have undergone FMT and compare them to those who have not.

Unlike current studies, which were observational, future studies will have controls and will not be known to the mother.

This paper was published in the journal Cell.


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