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Uganda orders two-week lockout to contain coronavirus »Manila Bulletin News



By Agence France-Presse

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Monday ordered an immediate 14-day blockage across the country to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which has so far infected 33 people in the country.

Uganda last week banned public transport and sealed its borders and urged people to stay at home, but was unable to stop completely.

Museveni said that from 10 p.m. Monday, private vehicles would also be banned, seeking to avoid giving a more advanced warning that people would flee the city, as has happened across the continent where many residents poor see better chances of survival in the countryside.

“I would have given the public time to adjust but … longer would give people time to go to the villages and by doing so they would transfer the very disease that we are trying to prevent. This freeze on movements will last 14 days, “he said in a televised speech.

Museveni also ordered a 14-day national curfew starting at 7:00 p.m.

Shopping centers and businesses selling non-food items have been closed.

Food market vendors who continue to trade are prohibited from returning home for the duration of the 14-day isolation, while the factories may remain open if they remain on the premises for the duration of the closure.

People are still allowed to walk, but do not gather in groups of more than five at a time.

In recent days, opposition leaders, Kizza Besigye and Bobi Wine, had undertaken small-scale food deliveries to people who had lost their income due to previous restrictions, but Museveni criticized actions such as the ” cheap politics ”.

“I order the police to arrest opportunistic and irresponsible politicians who have tried to distribute food,” he said.

“Anyone arrested as part of this effort will be charged with attempted murder.”

Museveni said the government would start distributing food to those who needed it, without providing details.

A tired 75-year-old Museveni begged people to change their behavior in the face of the threat of the virus.

“This virus would not do much damage without the neglect of people. Do not enter a group of people if you have a cold. Stay at home, ”he pleaded.

Last week, police and local defense units (UDL) – a uniformed militia under army control – violently cleaned up the streets of central Kampala.

Following a public outcry, the head of the army, General David Muhoozi, apologized on Monday for the actions, describing them as “authoritarian, unjustified and regrettable” and said that the culprits would be “treated”.

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