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Does China's Hiding of the Coronavirus Have a Global Cost?



Coronavirus epidemic ranks first the biggest crisis of hitting Xi Jinping, leader of the Chinese Communist Party since taking power in 2012. Not only has the epidemic brought the world's second largest economy to a halt, but it is undermining also the public image of the party's jurisdiction.

Chinese scientists knew about the COVID-19 virus and were also aware of its severity in December 2019. At the end of December, a number of genomics companies tested samples of sick patients in Wuhan and noticed alarming similarities between their diseases and the 2002 SARS virus, Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global.

As is the protocol in a communist society, Beijing was immediately informed. The researchers received a gag on January 3, from the National Health Commission of China, with instructions to destroy the samples.

The fateful banquet

On January 18, about six weeks after the spread of the coronavirus began in Wuhan, the city's Baibuting District was preparing for its 20th annual mass banquet. The city authorities were going to attempt a world record for the largest number of dishes served. A total of 13,986 dishes were prepared by members of 40,000 families, many of whom showed up to eat the treats.

This fateful banquet was followed by the mass movement of some 5 million people fleeing the city, some to return to traditional family homes for the Chinese New Year which began on January 25. The city was only quarantined on January 22. was too late to contain the virus.

Many Chinese internet users have been exasperated by what they saw as a series of errors during a TV show ...

Many Chinese Internet users were exasperated by what they perceived to be a series of mistakes during a televised press conference on Sunday by local officials at the heart of the new virus epidemic


The sad truth is that city officials had been aware of the spread of the virus for at least three weeks before the banquet and chose to continue with their plans because they had been ordered to suppress the news.

It seems obvious that camouflage was in progress even when officials from the The CDC visited Wuhan on January 8, where officials deliberately concealed reports that hospital workers had been infected with patients, a sign of contagion.

Censorship of negative news

It is far too late to shake your hand and say, "What if the world had only known about the virus earlier?" Jude Blanchette, Chinese analyst at CSIS, a Washington-based think tank, has this to say about the regime in China: there is a natural tendency for party officials at all levels to bury negative information and censor opinions dissenters, whoever is responsible In Beijing. But under Xi Jinping, the tendency to suppress became endemic and, in this case, contributed to a prolonged period of inaction that allowed the virus to spread.

Despite the evidence of a cover-up, China has taken impressive steps that are incredible. On January 10, researchers from Shanghai Fudan University sequenced the coronavirus gene, a key step in our understanding of the virus. China has built two 1,000-bed hospitals in just 10 days.

But even with everything that has happened since the coronavirus was first identified in December, I'm sure many people are wondering if the global epidemic could have been prevented – if only one government had decided to be honest with its own people and its neighbors.

This opinion piece was written by a freelance writer. The opinions and views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of

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