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Marathon icon Eliud Kipchoge amazes fans with bizarre dress code


– The major sporting events being currently suspended due to the epidemic of COVID-19, Eliud Kipchoge seems to try fashion

– Kipchoge was recently photographed wearing unique clothes while filming for an American fashion magazine

– The distinctive 35-year-old cut in trendy outfits that would cost a whopping $ 1 to acquire

Marathon icon Eliud Kipchoge delighted fans with a unique but bizarre dress code staged during a recent shoot for the prestigious American fashion magazine GQ.

In a series of photos that have since surfaced on social media, Kipchoge can be seen wearing afro fashion outfits while shooting incredible poses for each shot.

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Eliud Kipchoge's bizarre but expensive dress code delights fans

In this outfit, Kipchoge seems to give musician Stivo Simple Boy a run for his fashion sense. Photo: GQ.
Source: UGC

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In one of the photos, the legendary marathoner wears all-black bell pants from the 70s, with a Nike top that he harmonizes with a pink blazer.

He was so daring with his latest style that, in another plan, he settled for a multicolored suit by Ermenegildo Zegna which he wore with Gucci shoes.

Eliud Kipchoge's bizarre but expensive dress code delights fans

With major sporting events currently on hold due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Kipchoge will have to wait a little longer to get back on track. Photo: GQ.
Source: UGC

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In another, he seems to be giving musician Stivo Simple Boy a run for his fashion sense by donning cream Fendi Men’s shorts which he completed with a two-button coat and a white shirt.

A spot check by on the established cost of the outfits would cost an enormous amount of money to achieve Kipchoge’s distinctive appearances.

Eliud Kipchoge's bizarre but expensive dress code delights fans

Singer Suzanna Owiyo was delighted that the marathon runner appeared on the cover of GQ, but still had an opinion on one of Kip’s shoes. Photo: GQ.
Source: UGC

The classic look of the 35-year-old has seen thrilled Kenyans tackling social media to greet the marathon runner, with some hilariously suggesting that the long-distance runner has been misled.

@Kipengeli tweeted: “The one who fired the fire. Kipchoge kipchoge kipchoge is the #NextSuperStar.”

@Silvia_Wangeci added: “I present the kipchoge model to you.”

Singer Suzanna Owiyo was delighted that the marathon runner appeared on the cover of GQ, but still had an opinion on one of Kip’s shoes.

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“In the name of fashion, Hapo sasa! Our legend Eliud Kipchoge to appear in the April issue of GQ magazine. I don’t care about shoes,” she noted.

But @VictorMochere and @KidWaakanda said the marathon world record holder was misled.

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