COVID-19 safety protocol protects you from colds and flu
- According to experts, the safety protocols used to reduce the risk during a COVID-19 pandemic will help protect you from colds and flu this fall and winter.
- They explain that colds, flu, and COVID-19 are all spread by droplet infections.
- They say that is why wearing a mask and keeping a physical distance against these illnesses works.
Same precautions taken to avoid COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears It also helps protect against colds and the flu.
As health officials prepare for the cold and flu season consistent with COVID-19, experts should wear hand hygiene, physical distance and masks to prevent not only COVID-19 but also colds and flu. We encourage the public to continue to practice.
“Colds and flu, COVID-19-they are all respiratory viruses. There are subtle differences between them, but basically they are all transmitted in the same way.” Dr. William SchaffnerAn infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee told Healthline.
Respiratory disease transmissions can be divided into two categories: droplet transmissions and aerial transmissions.
“The idea is that the spread of respiration through droplet transfer is from larger, heavier droplets, heavier particle sizes, and they do not travel much longer.” Dr. Dean BloombergHe is responsible for pediatric infectious diseases at the University of California, Davis, told Healthline. “Because gravity takes over and falls to the ground, it doesn’t stay floating in the air for long periods of time, so we have all the recommendations for social distances that are more than 6 feet away from people.”
“Respiratory spread due to airborne transmission refers to viruses and other infections that float in small particles in the air,” said Blumberg. “These are small, light particles that float in the air and are carried by the airflow for minutes to hours.”
For respiratory droplets, size is important.
“Normal respiratory droplets that carry colds, SARS-COV-2, flu, etc. are large and usually cause infection from direct contact or landed contaminated surfaces.” Dr. Jaime FriedmanA San Diego pediatrician told Healthline.
Both colds and flu are thought to be transmitted through larger droplets.
And while there is still much to learn about COVID-19, it is believed to be just as widespread.
“With COVID-19, perhaps at least two-thirds of infections come from the droplet-mediated respiratory pathway,” Blumberg said.
Experts say that droplet propagation is the reason why wearing a mask is so important.
“In that zone, the 3-6 foot breathing zone is where the virus is most efficiently transmitted. Of course, asymptomatic people can shed the virus as abundantly as symptomatic people. That’s why, for wearing a mask, “says Blumberg.
The mask acts as a barrier to prevent the large exhaled droplets from transmitting to others, minimizing the risk of spreading.
“They protect from outgoing calls. They are really good at it. They are okay to prevent what you inhale from coming in. But they are very good at protecting from outgoing calls. It’s effective, “he said. “Think about surgeons. The reason they wear facial masks is to prevent bacteria in their mouth and nose from falling into surgical wounds. Therefore, if everyone wears a mask, They protect themselves, but more than that, they protect everyone around them, so if we all do that, the infectivity of this bacterium will not drop to zero, but very much. It will be substantially reduced. “
Experts hope that wearing a mask and other COVID-19 precautions will also help reduce the number of influenza cases this winter.
“The same considerations apply between influenza and COVID-19. Wearing a mask and keeping a social distance are the two most important things to prevent influenza, and people are COVID. Following that at -19 could take a break this year and reduce the flu, “Branberg said.
According to experts, an effective mask is a mask with two or more layers, such as a multi-layered surgical mask.
How to wear the mask is also important.
“The best mask is … a mask that is properly worn on the nose and mouth and is worn all the time the person is in public,” Friedman said.
The mask should also fit snugly around the cheeks and under the chin.
Schaffner said wearing masks should become more common in the United States to protect himself from not only COVID-19 but also many other infections.
“I think it’s a thing of the past that we started adopting these practices here in the United States and generally in Western Europe,” he said. “Of course, it helps keep us socially distant. Hand hygiene also helps a lot. And there’s one more thing we can do against the flu. Of course, getting vaccinated.”
Southern hemisphere Just appeared From the flu season, Blumberg said the patterns seen there show a wide range of benefits of COVID-19 measures such as wearing masks.
“In Taiwan, influenza was reduced by 75% in relation to the guidelines for masking and social distance. By following these guidelines on masking and social distance, we can see a reduction in various infectious diseases.” He said.
Experts urge the public not only to be vaccinated against the flu, but also to maintain infection control measures when the cold and flu season begins.
“Keep social distance in public, wear masks, wash hands, disinfect frequently-touched surfaces, and continue to avoid large indoor gatherings,” Friedman said.
Schaffner says that benefits to public health and health care are important if people accept wearing masks.
“If you do this consistently, it will be very much reduced,” he said. “It saves many of us from annoying illnesses, a relatively small minority escapes very serious illnesses, and of course the burden on the health care system is significantly reduced, saving literally millions of dollars. Let’s do it. “
However, Schaffner states that not only wearing a mask, but also hand hygiene and physical distance all play a role in avoiding colds, the flu, and COVID-19.
“Each of these interventions we use has utility, and they all contribute to it,” he said. “None is perfect, but using some of them at the same time creates a stronger barrier, each compensating for the other hole.”
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