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Former UMaine football player shot dead in Philadelphia – University of Maine Black Bear Sports – Bangor Daily News – BDN Maine


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University of Maine Zaire Williams (center) searches for the race hall as James Madison's Brandon Hereford pursues in a September 2016 match at Orono. Williams was shot early in the morning in Philadelphia. (BDN file)

Zaire Williams, who played football at the University of Maine during the 2016 season, has died.

According to a report by NBC10, Williams was on the 1800 block west of Mongomery Avenue in Philadelphia around 4 a.m. Monday when he was shot in the head.

NBC10 said Williams was taken to Temple University Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 4:38 a.m. No arrests were made and no weapons were recovered.

Williams was 25 years old.

This morning we lost a family member too early. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Zairian family and their loved ones … Brother of Rest In Peace, UMaine head coach Nick Charlton, said on his Twitter account.

Williams had been transferred to UMaine in 2016 after play two seasons at Temple University.

RIP to Zaire Williams, a good boy who left too early, said former UMaine offensive line coach Jeff Ambrosie on Twitter.

He was delighted to make a fresh start at UMaine.

The transfer process is difficult, but I have excellent teammates and excellent coaches, and everyone on staff has just welcomed me here, made me feel at home, Williams told the BDN in May 2016.

The 5 foot 10 inch 210 pound carrier played 10 of 11 games with the Black Bears in 2016. Williams finished second with 302 yards on 75 runs (4 yards per carry) and scored a touchdown. He also caught two passes for five yards.

However, Williams left school before the 2017 season after failing to meet academic requirements, according to head coach Joe Harasymiak, the Black Bears head coach at the time. .

“He had (difficult) things in his personal life with his family and all that. He lost his grandmother, said Harasymiak after Williams left.

"I hope he will land on his feet. We are trying to help him with that.

Williams was an outstanding runner at Timber Creek High School in Sicklerville, New Jersey and while there was the 16th ranked rookie in the state.

As a freshman at the Football Bowl Subdivision Temple in 2013, Williams rushed for a 533-yard team head and was selected for the American Athletic Conference All-Academic Team.

In sophomore year, he had only seven runs for 17 yards before a back injury forced him to miss the rest of the 2014 season.

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