Wisconsin cheesemaker offers economic lifeline to dairy farmers
REESEVILLE (WKOW) – A Wisconsin cheesemaker is one of the companies that provide dairy farmers who suffer from falling milk prices with an economic lifeline during this pandemic.
“We recognize that we were lucky, our team did a great job,” said David Scharfman, general manager of the specialty cheese company at Reeseville. Scharfman says his peak sales provide a market for local dairy farmers. “The coronavirus has increased demand for sales on Amazon for our shelf stable cheese product.”
Specialty Cheese Co. is a traditional cheese maker, but Scharfman says that his cooked cheese snack, Just the cheese, has sold well since its introduction two years ago and challenges the company to track its purchase orders now. With demand, dairy farmers are losing customers as a result of COVID-19 closings of schools, restaurants and other food services that specialize in safety valves.
“I wouldn’t be so arrogant to say that they turned to us specifically, but there is certainly an increased dependence on cheese producers and manufacturers to be a constant customer for these farmers,” he said.
Bob Schwandt is a longtime dairy producer in Juneau and says falling milk prices are difficult to absorb. “And right now, we’re really under pressure,” said Schwandt.
Schwandt says that the cancellation of the planned farm auctions destroys most of the chances of getting the necessary replacement farm equipment at affordable prices. He says possible cancellations of breakfasts, brunches and week-long upcoming farm events and the crowds they will bring will also hamper the industry.
Schwandt belongs to the Foremost Farms-USA agricultural cooperative and said that a recent letter to members urging them to consider draining milk to cope with the market collapse was difficult for many members.
“We are asking our members to voluntarily reduce your milk production to the best of your ability,” said the letter. “We also need to prepare for scenarios that would force members to throw milk on member farms,” said the letter.
“It’s a sad situation,” says Schwandt of the idea of throwing milk away. “The [are] many hungry people who could use these products. “
The coronavirus epidemic has brought milk prices down to unprofitable levels this spring, just when we need money to buy supplies for the spring planting season, said dairy producer John Rettler of Neosho, president of FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative in Madison at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, all that optimism (about the increase in milk prices in February) has gone, said Rettler. “Now farmers are just looking for ways to make sure their milk continues to be picked up in the weeks ahead as the situation continues to play out.”

The $ 2 trillion economic stimulus package adopted by Congress included $ 14 billion to support farm incomes and crop prices and $ 9.5 billion for specific producers, including dairy and livestock producers . Yet it is still unclear how the money would be distributed and how quickly farmers would get it. Schwandt says he expects his farm will not receive federal emergency assistance.

Cheese producer Scharfman says about 70% of the company’s milk comes from dairy farms located less than 30 miles from the Reeseville processing plant. people.
“We have to do our best to help them the best we can,” said Scharfman.
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