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DU Sorority, Fraternity reports outbreak of coronavirus, some facial arrests – CBS Denver

DU Sorority, Fraternity reports outbreak of coronavirus, some facial arrests – CBS Denver
DU Sorority, Fraternity reports outbreak of coronavirus, some facial arrests – CBS Denver


Denver (CBS4)– Two schoolgirl clubs at the University of Denver have been temporarily suspended due to a clear coronavirus security breach. Investigation is ongoing.

(Credit: CBS)

One of the stopped sororities is Alpha Phi. The placard on the door says “access restricted” and “visitors prohibited”.

According to the city of Denver, sororities gathered without proper social distance and were attended by multiple COVID-19-infected individuals. As a result, some other students are not infected and continue to be dissatisfied.

“If they don’t follow the rules, you know, the rules are the rules,” a young man told CBS4.

In fact, according to Denver city records, AlphaPhi had nine positive test cases for the virus. Other outbreaks included four gamma fibetas, the restrictions of which are now lifted, and the four positive delta zetas are quarantined until October 14.

(Credit: CBS)

It’s more than just sorority. Four fraternity groups are in quarantine. The most reported cases are Zeta Beta Tau in 11 cases, Beta Theta Pai in 4 cases, Lambda Chi Alpha in 15 cases, and Pika Papi in 6 cases.

According to the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment Individuals must be quarantined for 14 days. There are no visitors. They may get food, see a doctor, go to class and work. They will have to focus on proper mask usage, social distance, and hand washing when leaving.

Individuals must be quarantined for 14 days. They can go to class or work with the help of food and medical care.

Another student with no fraternity said, “Of course, I don’t think there should be a big gathering. It’s a shame this happens.”

DU has a rigorous testing program that limits meetings and imposes severe penalties for those who do not follow the rules.

(Credit: CBS)

Alpha Phi is currently quarantined until October 21st. Not accessible under the penalty of arrest.

The University of Denver swimming and diving team recently suspended 38 students from team activities after attending a large off-campus party.


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