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REEL TALK: We can all relate to “Version” | Life

REEL TALK: We can all relate to “Version” |  Life
REEL TALK: We can all relate to “Version” |  Life


Writer / director / star Radha Blank finds herself in a rut as she nears her 40th birthday. Desperately wanting to be who she thought she was 10 years ago, she tries to reinvent herself from playwright to rap artist. This charming and relatable movie, whether you like rap or not, is filled with heart, soul, and a little bit of rhythm to awaken your own future.

Living in New York City in an unsavory part of town and barely earning her rent, Radha teaches downtown students how to write plays. The kids are tough, frequently lash out at Radha and call her to the mat to remind her of her unsuccessful and stalled career. It’s brutal, but Radha is handling the situation with grace. Charges run through her and, like a bubbling volcano, she ends up erupting in the most inconvenient places. Longtime friend and now agent Archie (Peter Kim) got the chance for Radha to meet the King of Broadway producers Josh Whitman (Reed Birney). His smug and condescending inability to understand a black woman’s point of view as he critiques her latest submissive piece is infuriating and Radha, on her last nerve, loses it. As we watch her split open, it’s shocking and surprisingly funny at the same time. And at this point in the film, we’re completely connected to this woman who’s lost sight of her dreams over the years.

The remorseful Radha, who is still in mourning after losing her mother, sinks deep into her old self who was a rhyming master in her youth. Still having the talent for it, she pours her thoughts and issues into her lyrics as she reaches out to D (Oswin Benjamin), an underground beat mix artist to help her develop. This adventure has its own issues, successes and even sparks of love as Radha battles her failures and how she can move forward as RadhaMUSPrime, an aging rapper.

Blanks ‘exceptional use of humor during the film takes us through embarrassing and squeaky-worthy scenes as well as those of Radhas’ personal disappointments. The deeply textured characters shine in an intricate, layered script allowing us to not only get to know, but also connect with the main character. In many ways, Blank has created a coming-of-age movie that any woman over the age of 39 can fully relate to.

Wearing three of the most important hats in a writer, director, and star is a balance most can’t achieve, but Blank does it deftly. Shot in black and white, it accentuates the shades of gray in us as we grow older, but we also sharpen the characters more clearly. There is also an occasional grainy texture in the black and white film, which punctuates the issues in the foreground. And Blank isn’t afraid to tackle the issues of race, poverty, and struggle, with all of its inequalities, but she is able to do it with humor as she finds a way for everyone, regardless of our race. or our socio-economic class, to understand and identify. It’s a brilliant combination which is a welcome surprise.

As Blank portrays Radha, her performance finds an unattended authenticity giving her a tone that creates not only a memorable character, but a lovable one. The luggage she carries when we unlock the suitcase and look inside is filled with common issues, such as loss and regret, but there are also some unique items that only a woman can carry and those that only a black woman has it on her shoulders. The exterior of the luggage isn’t shiny and new, but the intricacy of what’s inside is what makes this character so beautiful.

Blanks cast supports and uplifts his character and story, which allows us to step into the world of Radhas, rolling out the red carpet and welcoming us to see his perspective. Archie reminds Radha (and us) of the importance of compromise as Radha puts on his heels in an effort not to sell himself. Each of Radhas’ relationships, from his students to his friends and to those on the outskirts of his circle, is the key to the growth of Radhas, to the story arc of the stories and, of course, to adding interest. unbelievable. Imani Lewis (Elaine) and Haskiri Velazquez (Rosa) stand out as angry students trying to figure out why and Oswin Benjamin helps us see beyond our stereotypes expected of rappers. Blank even finds a way for all of the supporting characters to find their own arc without removing the focal point of Radhas’s character.

The forty-year-old version finds and implements the right pacing and rhythm to tell a familiar, relatable story of a woman trying to find her own voice as she recalls her youthful goals. With a powerful ending filled with respect and even a touch of humor, Blank reminds us of the importance for all of us to find your own voice. #FYOV

Reel Talk rating: 3 stars

Pamela Powell is a film critic based in Bourbonnais and a member of the CFCA and CCA and is a certified Rotten Tomatoes critic. Writing reviews for 10 years, Pamela is also present on WCIA TV in Champaign. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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