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Adam Sandler Fan Watch 638 Hours of Sandler Movies Over One Year

Adam Sandler Fan Watch 638 Hours of Sandler Movies Over One Year
Adam Sandler Fan Watch 638 Hours of Sandler Movies Over One Year


You might love Adam Sandler, but you don’t love him more than Eloy Lugo.

Think you like Adam Sandler? Sure, but you sure don’t like Adam Sandler more than Eloy Lugo. The Sandler super-fan spent an entire year between September 9, 2017 (Sandler’s 51st birthday, of course) and September 9, 2018 watching one Sandler movie a day. Lugo’s viewing experience spent 638 hours watching Sandler movies over 365 days, which equates to almost two hours of Sandler movies per day. To mark the release of Sandler’s new ‘Hubie Halloween’ effort, Netflix asked Lugo write an essay about his love for the comedy icon.

“I was nine when I saw my first Adam Sandler film,” Lugo writes. “Every Friday my grandmother would take me and my siblings to the theater after school. One late winter day in 1995, she took us to see ‘Billy Madison“. For my fourth year brain, it was perfect. Billy was silly and weird, sweet and well-meaning. He would leave bags of flaming poop on a stranger’s porch, but he also called a high school classmate he had bullied to apologize for his behavior. Sandler’s portrayal of this man-child stuck in permanent adolescence was performed with such enthusiasm that the actor immediately fascinated me – and I have remained that way ever since.

Lugo would take a tape recorder into the movie theater with him so he could illegally record every Sandler movie and replay the tape afterward, memorizing the dialogue from each movie. Sandler will bleed later in almost every Lugo milestone. At his wedding, Lugo and his wife had their first dance on “Grow Old With You” from Sandler and Drew Barrymore’s romantic comedy “The Wedding Singer”. As a tribute to “Billy Madison”, Lugo has “Rirruto” tattooed on his arm. As for his favorite Sandler performance, Lugo chooses “Uncut Gems”.

“Sandler just keeps getting better, as evidenced by his recent award-winning turn in the Safdie Brothers film,” Lugo writes. “He’s always been versatile – he can play vulnerable, mean, romantic, angry, gentle, silly – but he’s never been able to channel all of those traits into one performance as perfectly as he did while playing.” to Howard Ratner, an impulsive diamond dealer who makes a series of high stakes bets that ultimately end in a violent and tragic downfall. “

Lugo also notes, “’Uncut Gems’ is part of the Sandler Cinematic Universe, as Howard yells, ‘That’s my boy!’ in this movie – a catchphrase that I think appears in no less than 10 other Sandler movies. “

“Hubie Halloween” is now streaming on Netflix. Head to the Netflix Queue Website to read Lugo’s essay in its entirety.

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