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To whom much is given, much is necessary


My high school soccer coach used to share pieces of wisdom with us after training. Snuggled around the coach, controlling your breathing after a grueling practice, helmets turned off, eyes raised and attentive, all the players were listening to see what a man who had all our respect had to say. Being a man of faith, many of the coach's words were rooted in the scriptures. One of his favorites surrounded half the ladder Luke 12:48 "… All those to whom much has been given, from him, much will be demanded, and from him to whom they have entrusted much, they will demand more . "

The high school I attended had state-of-the-art facilities and tremendous community support. He asked us, "We have given you a lot, now are you ready to give what is required?"

There is no doubt that Kirby Smart, and everyone involved in Georgia's soccer program, is ready to make the effort necessary to win everything. In the first four seasons of Smart, it could also be said that coaches and players had higher expectations for the team and the program than the fan base.

Make no mistake, the Georgia faithful have always expected to win, but this creeping doubt of "Are we still good enough? "has always persisted. Not anymore. Those whose blood flows red and black do not hope hopefully, they wait realistically.

Now it all comes down to execution. Georgia no longer needs the help of other teams. There is no longer any need for some kind of incredible game beyond their skill level. No, after three consecutive recruiting classes, a fantastic management of coaching staff changes and an administration that goes out of its way to help the program, all the ingredients are there.

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S, Richard LeCounte

Defense of Georgia was the best in football last year. They have a plethora of talents coming back and boarding the 2020 version of defense.

Kirby Smart then set aside all the talk about how he stuck in the past offensively with the hires of Todd Monken and Buster Faulkner. Jamie Newman is likely to add a dimension of excitement and play ability that Georgia has not seen in the quarterback position for more than a decade. Reception body issues have been resolved with five exceptional perspectives, all of whom have abilities to help them see the field early.

Add the likes of these talented freshmen to arguably the best young receiver in college football George Pickens, a budding star in Dominick Blaylock who is returning from an injury, and besieged upper class members Demetris Robertson and Matt Landers should help cure the ills of the lack of explosive games. The tight end position is going to be as talented as it has ever been and of course the stable of the running backs is there.

TE, Darnell Washington

The only place Georgia seems to hurt is the offensive line. I mean who else loses three 5-star linemen Thomas, Wilson and Mays in one off-season. However, Kirby Smart and former OL coach Sam Pittman have done such a good job deep in the offensive trenches that Georgia has four linemen coming back with significant starting experience and significant. Trey Hill, Ben Cleveland, Justin Shaffer and Jamaree Salyer have all played key roles in the past and will be widely counted this year.

Georgia has been on the brink of the ultimate goal with a less talented list than the one it will go to the field with in 2020. Kirby Smart has repeatedly spoken about things he has personally learned from his four years as a # 39; s head coach. Game management and personnel issues didn't affect the Dawgs in 2019. When they were beaten, it was simply because they hadn't performed.

The standard has been around for a while. Georgia strives to meet this standard every day and it is fair to say that it will not be overworked, but in the end it will mean avoiding the self-inflicted injuries that helped to squander leaders in the past.

More from Tua. No more burrows. There is no team in the country with better talent, more resources or a more committed fan base. It is now. Nothing less than winning everything in 2020 is below the norm. Kirby Smart would tell you himself.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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