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9 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

9 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure


By ViweNdongeni-Ntlebi Time when the article was published3 hours ago

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How do you lower your blood pressure?

High blood pressure, or high blood pressure, is called a “silent killer” for good reason.

When blood pressure is high, blood passes through the arteries more strongly. This puts pressure on the delicate tissues of the arteries and damages the blood vessels.

Symptoms usually do not occur until there is serious damage to the heart.

Lifestyle plays an important role in the treatment of high blood pressure. Good control of blood pressure in a healthy lifestyle can avoid, delay, or reduce the need for medication.

Talking about Quora, bloggers, retired doctors, and cancer researcher Ray Schilling will teach you nine ways to lower your blood pressure.

1. Your doctor will tell you which blood pressure medications you should take to control your blood pressure. The goal is to reduce blood pressure below 120/80. The old limit of 140/90 is now out of date. – American College of Cardiology 2017 Guidelines for Adult Hypertension

2. However, it is known that there are some lifestyle issues that can also help lower blood pressure. Smoking cessation is at the top of the list. Others are explained below.

3. Drinking large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis will increase your blood pressure. Therefore, reduce alcohol or reduce consumption to one glass of wine per day for women and two or less glasses of wine for men.

4. Regular exercise raises HDL cholesterol levels, opens arteries, and at the same time lowers blood pressure.

5. The Mediterranean diet releases nitric oxide, a powerful molecule that normalizes blood pressure. – Wikipedia. Both a healthy diet (rich in vegetables) and regular exercise increase nitric oxide production.

6. Relaxation techniques such as tai chi, self-hypnosis, autogenic training, yoga and meditation have been shown to reduce inflammatory substances in the blood, widen arteries and lower blood pressure.

7. Many supplements, such as garlic, CoQ-10, folic acid, magnesium, and garlic, have also been found to slightly lower blood pressure.

8. Minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium. Folic acid. Supplements and products (vasodilators) that increase nitric oxide and dilate blood vessels, such as cocoa, coenzyme Q10, L-arginine, and garlic. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, high-dose fish oil supplements, or flaxseed.

9. If you have high blood pressure, buy a home sphygmomanometer and write down your daily records. Give this record to your healthcare provider. Talk to your doctor if systolic blood pressure (high) is above 120 or diastolic blood pressure (low reading) is above 80.

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