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Scientists use holographic imaging to detect viruses and antibodies

Scientists use holographic imaging to detect viruses and antibodies


    Scientists use holographic imaging to detect viruses and antibodies

A team of scientists at New York University has developed a method for detecting both viruses and antibodies using holographic imaging. Breakthrough advances may be useful in medical diagnostics, especially those associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our approach is based on physics principles that have never been used in diagnostic tests,” explains David Grier, a professor of physics at New York University and one of the project’s researchers. I will. Soft matter.. “Antibodies and viruses can be detected by observing their literal attachment to specially prepared test beads.”

When fully implemented, this proposed test can be run within 30 minutes, is highly accurate, and can be run by minimally trained personnel. In addition, this method allows you to test for either a virus (current infection) or an antibody (immunity).

A team that includes PhD candidates Kaitlynn Snyder and Rushna Quddus, professor of chemistry Kent Kirshenbaum, and professor of physics Andy Hollingsworth uses a laser beam to record holograms of test beads in holographic video microscopy. We are testing based on. The surface of the beads is activated at biochemical binding sites that attract either antibody or viral particles, depending on the test of interest. When antibodies and viruses bind, beads grow billions of meters. This shows that researchers at New York University can detect it through changes in bead holograms.

“We can analyze 12 beads per second, which means we can reduce the time required for a reliable diagnostic test of 1000 beads to 20 minutes, and measure these changes quickly, reliably and inexpensively. “I will,” explains Glia.

Holographic video microscopy is performed by the instrument xSight, created by Spheryx, co-founded by New York-based company Grier.

Scientists are also looking at the variety of their methods.

“The device can also count virus particles that have spread to a patient’s saliva and detect and distinguish antibodies that have dissolved in the blood,” Grier adds. “This flexibility is achieved by changing the composition of the test beads and modeling the test object.

“Each type of bead tests for the presence of a particular target, but it is also possible to test multiple targets at the same time. In holographic analysis, different tests are made depending on size and index of refraction (easily controllable optical properties). Distinguish between beads. “

Scientists say this feature can be used to develop a library of test beads that can be combined with test kits for mixing with patient samples. This allows doctors to distinguish between possible diagnoses, speed up patient treatment, reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, and reduce medical costs.

Reissued in courtesy of NYU. Photo: Digital holographic rendering of test bead-binding antibody. Credit: David Grier / NYU


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