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Twitch Streamer Who Attacked Star Wars Actor Gina Carano As “Homophobe” Calls Gay Donald Trump Supporters “Maggots”

Twitch Streamer Who Attacked Star Wars Actor Gina Carano As “Homophobe” Calls Gay Donald Trump Supporters “Maggots”


Twitch streamer Joe Organa, who attacked Star Wars actor Gina Carano in September, is now attacking all gays who support President Donald Trump.

As reported by Bleeding fool In September, Organa attacked Mandalorian actor Gina Carano, who plays Cara Dune, calling her a homophobic after the actress blocked her on Twitter.

Organa wrote: “This HOMOPHOBE blocked me even though I haven’t tweeted or tweeted about him.”

“She clearly blocked me only because I’m a gay Star Wars fan. It’s so f *** ed up.

The Twitch streamer followed up on this tweet, writing, “Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Disney, Disney Plus, are you cool with that? She just blocked LGBTQ Star Wars fans who haven’t said anything about her or about her.

Related: Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Is Calling To Open Your Businesses And Churches As US Enters Sixth Month Of Lockdown

Organa then hinted that Disney and its affiliates support writing about homophobia: “Unless you all support homophobia …”

In another tweet, Organa wrote, “I have largely stayed away from the drama about this person, but she clearly has a negative feeling about LGTBQ Star Wars fans.”

Organa went on to write, “She makes fun of trans and queer people for having different pronouns.

He would then describe Carano several times as “transphobic”.

Related: Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Charged With Racism For Sharing Historic Anti-Nazi Photo

First, he wrote, “A transphobic asset supporting the ‘actor’ that Disney pays to make his way unemotional through the scenes of The Mandalorian.

In another tweet, the Twitch streamer wrote: “A transphobic actress in The Mandalorian.”

Related: Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Charged With Transphobia For Refusing To List Pronouns On Twitter Bio

Organa was just one of many who attacked Carano after being accused of “liking” a tweet that supposedly made fun of people who put pronouns in their biographies.

Carano responded to these accusations by writing: “Yes, Pedro and I spoke and he helped me understand why people put them in their bio. I didn’t know before but I know it now.

The actress then added, “I won’t put them in my bio but it’s good for anyone who chooses it. I am against bullying, especially the most vulnerable and against the freedom to choose. “

Carano then explained why individuals like Organa had been inflicted on him.

She wrote, “They’re made because I won’t put pronouns in my bio to show my support for trans lives. After months of harassing me in every way. I decided to put 3 VERY controversial words in my bio… beep / bop / boop. “

“I’m not against trans lives at all. They must find a less abusive representation, ”she added.

Now Organa has taken to Twitter to attack gays who support President Donald Trump.

He wrote: “The gays in MAGA are among the weakest on the planet. You want the approval of white men so much that you are willing to vote against your own best interests. “

“You are ready to sell trans people and people of color. There is no place for maggots in the LGBTQ community.

What do you think of Organa’s recent comments? What do you think of his previous attacks on Gina Carano?

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