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A new coronavirus has been found!According to scientists, pig SADS-CoV-2 has the potential to spread to humans.

A new coronavirus has been found!According to scientists, pig SADS-CoV-2 has the potential to spread to humans.


Recently, a new type of coronavirus was discovered by experts in pigs. This virus, called SADS-CoV-2, belongs to the family of SARS-CoV-2 strains and causes COVID-19. Researchers claim that the virus, like the ongoing coronavirus, can infect humans.

What is SADS-CoV-2?

A new coronavirus has been found!According to scientists, pig SADS-CoV-2 has the potential to spread to humans.

(Photo: Photo by Lukas Schulze / Getty Images)
The piglet stands on a pig farm stall near Kempen, Germany, on July 2, 2020. Many pig farms in North Rhine-Westphalia are afraid of potential losses due to the temporary closure of some large slaughterhouses due to the outbreak of coronavirus among slaughterhouse workers. The largest outbreak occurred at the Toany plant in Radar Wiedenbrook, where more than 1,500 of the approximately 7,000 workforce were positive. So far, no date has been set for the Toennies factory to reopen.

A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found a new type of coronavirus that could harm humans in the future.

SADS-CoV-2, or formally known as the acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus in pigs, was first seen in China in 2016, emerged from bats and infected a herd of pigs in the country.

According to research via Daily Mail UK, The same virus was found in pigs in laboratory tests. It was initially thought that the porcine coronavirus could not infect humans. However, a recent study published at PNAS on October 12 states that this is not the case.

Pig SADS-CoV-2 claims to infect and replicate in cells of the human respiratory tract, liver and intestine. Unlike SARS-CoV-2, this coronavirus targets enterocytes rather than the human lung.

To make matters worse, the findings also suggest that humans have not acquired cross-defense herd immunity that can prevent the transmission of these types of coronaviruses from animal populations.

The only difference is that SADS-CoV-2 has another gene called “alphacoronavirus” and SARS-CoV-2 is “betacoronavirus”.

“Many researchers have focused on the potential for the emergence of betacoronaviruses such as SARS and MERS, but in reality, given the potential for rapid interspecific jumps, alphacoronaviruses are human. We find that health concerns are just as prominent. ” Said Ralph Lauren, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Read again: COVID-19 vaccine: Johnson & Johnson’s human experimentation pending after “unknown disease”

Can Remdesivir Be a Vaccine?

A new coronavirus has been found!According to scientists, pig SADS-CoV-2 has the potential to spread to humans.

(Photo: Photo by Kevin Frayer / Getty Images)
Chinese customers wear protective masks when arranging one file to buy dumplings at a popular local store in Beijing, China on February 16, 2020. The number of deadly new coronavirus COVID-19 cases exceeded 57,000 in mainland China on Sunday, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global public health emergency. China continued to blockade Wuhan to curb the spread of diseases such as pneumonia, which medical professionals confirmed could be passed on from person to person. In an unprecedented move, Chinese authorities have maintained and in some cases tightened travel restrictions on cities that are the epicenters of the virus and, in some cases, municipalities in other parts of the country that affect tens of millions of people. The number of people who died from the virus in China exceeded 1,650 on Sunday, increasing mainly in Hubei province, and cases have been reported in other countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, and the United States. .. Kingdom, Germany, France and some others. The World Health Organization has warned all governments to be vigilant and screening is being stepped up at airports around the world. Some countries, including the United States, advise citizens to restrict entry to Chinese travelers and ban travel to China.

Researchers compared to SARS-CoV-2 Note The COVID-19 vaccine drug remdesivir may actually be a vaccine against SADS-CoV-2 in the event of a human “spillover” effect.

However, more testing is needed to conclude this.

“It is advisable to continuously monitor both pig workers and pig populations for signs of SADS-CoV infection to prevent outbreaks and major economic losses.” Said Professor Barrick. “Unsurprisingly, we are currently looking for a partner to investigate the potential of SADS-CoV vaccine candidates to protect pigs.”

Related article: University of Idaho students deliberately sign COVID-19 to sell plasma antibodies

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