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Life Expectancy May Begin to Decrease, According to Global Studies

Life Expectancy May Begin to Decrease, According to Global Studies


October 16, 2020

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Exposure to risk factors for chronic illness has increased over the last decade and if lifestyle changes are not made Life expectancy may begin to decline According to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic can get worse.

Their findings are Lancet, From the latest Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) study.

The quote is as follows: "The world may be reaching a turning point after decades of life expectancy.  Sources of citations are Emmanuela Gakidou, MSc, PhD.

“The world has done a poor job of reducing risk.” Emanuela Gakidou, Master’s degree, PhDA professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and author of the GBD study, said in a conference call with reporters. “This fuels a global chronic disease crisis.”

GBD reported 286 causes of death, 369 diseases and injuries, and 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories. According to Gakido, one of the biggest concerns of this study is that since 2010, the incidence of blood sugar, obesity, blood pressure and air pollution has risen by 0% to 2% annually worldwide. According to a press release, 6.67 million people each worldwide will die in 2019.

in addition, Life expectancy in the United States Researchers say it hasn’t improved since 2010, but 2019 was 78.9 years, lower than the average of 81.3 years for all high-income countries. Gakidou said these numbers could start to decline soon.

“This increased exposure to metabolic risk Elevating cardiovascular disease in many placesClearly shows that the world may have reached a turning point after life expectancy has increased by decades, “she says.

Deterioration of global health can also exacerbate the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Christopher JL Murray, MD, DPhil, The IHME director said on the phone.

Christopher JL Murray

“The transition to this disorder is also a transition to vulnerability,” he said, saying doctors “by modifying some of these risk factors, patients identify significant opportunities to improve their health. Can help. “

Richard Houghton, FRCP, FRCPCH, FMedSci, Editor-in-chief Lancet, During the call, I realized that doctors were not the only ones responsible for improving public health.

“There is much less attention at the policy level on how big this is,” he said.

Richard Houghton

Houghton said the solution “is accompanied by personal and community behavior and policies at the national and global levels.”

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