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Alberta has recorded another 332 cases of COVID-19 as Hinsho encourages influenza vaccination

Alberta has recorded another 332 cases of COVID-19 as Hinsho encourages influenza vaccination


Alberta Health confirmed an additional 332 cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, bringing the total number of people in Alberta to 21,775.

Alberta’s Chief Health Officer provided the figures in a Friday afternoon update.

Currently, there are 2,836 active cases across the state.

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“We continue to closely monitor these numbers,” said Dr. Dina Hinshaw.

The majority (54%) of these cases are in the Edmonton Zone, with 1,525 active cases.

The Calgary Zone also increased on Thursday, with 820 active cases.

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There are 132 active cases in the central zone, 202 in the south zone and 145 in the north zone.

As of Friday afternoon, there are 12 active cases that do not belong to a particular zone.

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54% of 2,836 COVID-19 cases in Alberta are in the Edmonton Zone

54% of 2,836 COVID-19 cases in Alberta are in the Edmonton Zone

Hinsho did not report any new deaths, but noted numerous hospitalizations.

As of Friday afternoon, there are 117 Alberta in the hospital, 11 of whom are in the ICU.

“The recent outbreaks we’ve seen in hospitals are one of the reasons for the high hospitalizations we’re seeing right now,” Hinshaw said.

“As the infection in our community increases, so does the risk of the virus being introduced into our acute care and continuous care facilities, which have members of the most vulnerable communities.”

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During the flu season, Hinsho begged Alberta to get the flu vaccine.

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“The more we can avoid influenza-related tests, emergency visits and hospitalizations, the stronger our system will be to support people with COVID-19 and all other health needs.”

About 8,500 people in Alberta suffered the flu last year, killing 41, according to Hinsho. One in three people in Alberta were vaccinated more than in 2018, but Hinsho said Alberta had to do better this year.

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“Influenza vaccination cannot prevent COVID, but it helps prevent people from getting the flu and infecting others,” she said.

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Coronavirus: According to WHO, remdesivir is ineffective in preventing COVID-19 death, a study evaluating other antibodies

On Monday, influenza vaccination will be available at participating pharmacies, clinics and clinics throughout the state.

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“Vaccines can’t prevent COVID-19 yet, but they can prevent influenza from overwhelming our health care system.”

Increasing number of cases in large cities in Alberta

Calgary was added to the state’s watch list on Friday, Hinsho said.

“Recently, we’ve seen some social gathering-related outbreaks in the city. This is because no area is unaffected by the virus, and if you don’t comply with the restrictions, one case will soon be many. It further reminds us that it can lead to, ”says Hinshaw.

At this time, she is not considering additional measures for the city or health zone, Hinsho said.

“We work with local partners to closely monitor the situation.”

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Calgary has been added to the COVID-19 watchlist and Edmonton’s number is still a concern: Hinsho

Calgary has been added to the COVID-19 watchlist and Edmonton’s number is still a concern: Hinsho

Meanwhile, a week has passed since additional voluntary measures were taken against Edmonton.

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Since it takes about two weeks from action to outcome, Hinsho expects to see if these voluntary measures are affecting it next week or so.

“I’m still concerned about the situation in the Edmonton Zone. The Edmonton Zone currently has 54% of active cases in the state,” she said.

For the weekend, Hinsho urged all people in the Edmonton Zone to continue these voluntary measures.

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Coronavirus: Location of COVID-19 in Alberta

A measure introduced last week limits all private social gatherings to 15 people or less, and masks everyone in the workplace unless they are in a private workspace that can be distanced or have barriers. I am asking you to wear. Close contacts and contacts between groups.

“This can be frustrating and inconvenient, but it’s common for people with very mild symptoms to be absent at home or not yet symptomatic to spread the virus at work.”

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54% of 2,836 COVID-19 cases in Alberta are in the Edmonton Zone

54% of 2,836 COVID-19 cases in Alberta are in the Edmonton Zone

In the third measurement, people in the Edmonton Zone were given a cohort of three or less in most situations (core household and social cohorts, school cohorts as applicable, and one other group or sports cohort only). Ask to participate in.

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Evidence shows that children of this age do not easily spread the virus, according to Hinsho, so infants in childcare may be part of the childcare cohort.

“For clarity, this is a cohort of three per person, not per family.”

The latest information on the school

Currently, there are 200 schools with active alerts or outbreaks. Of these, 91 are active, with 22 monitoring more than 5 cases.

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Coronavirus: Which School in Alberta Is COVID-19 Outbreak?

According to Hinsho, there are 489 cases at school.

“The increasing number of infections in the community is not unexpected in the case of school-age children.”

To date, in-school infections have been seen in 61 schools, in two-thirds of those cases, and the infection was only in one other case, Hinshaw said.

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“Thanks to all parents, teachers, students and school staff for their efforts to keep the school safe and prevent widespread infection.”

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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