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10 actors considered to be Princess Diana

10 actors considered to be Princess Diana



Gal Gadot may be the first to play Wonder Woman on the big screen, but those ten players almost got that DC Comics honor.

Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic superheroes in popular culture, but she has only been played by a few actresses in film and television. It wasn’t until the DCEU appeared in recent years that it finally hit the big screen. Many actresses almost played the role that Gal Gadot eventually won and performed with great success.

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Many others have almost played the character of Princess Diana in other film and television projects that never got off the ground. Some of them have played Diana, but no one has seen the results yet.

ten Adrienne palicki

Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman

Adrianne Palicki is one of the few people to have played Wonder Woman onscreen. She’s also the only actress no one has ever seen do. Palicki played the role of Diana in an unhappy pilot for a potential TV series from 2011. Footage from the set has surfaced online, showing her one of the less successful versions of the Wonder Woman costume. She would have made an interesting Diana, however, as her work on Agents of SHIELD as Mockingbird later proved.

9 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in Vertical Tomb Raider

In 2005, Joss Whedon signed up to write and direct a Wonder Woman film (the screenplay has since been posted). Her first choice to play the role was Angelina Jolie. Jolie would have been a natural fit at the time. She definitely looks like Diana. She also had a lot of action movie chops thanks to the Tomb Raider movies. Whedon later got the chance to work with Wonder Woman in the maligned 2017 Justice League movie, which had a lot of behind-the-scenes issues.

8 Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar probably made sense at one point to play Wonder Woman. She was definitely some sort of superhero in the iconic series Buffy the vampire slayer. She also had some traction with Joss Whedon. As Whedon’s attempt in 2005 came together, They said Gellar was in the running for the lead role. Her film never started and she never had the opportunity to play Diana, at least on film. She cosplayed as a character at the 2002 MTV Movie Awards.

7 Megan Fox

Many fans probably don’t regret this near failure. Megan Fox is rumored to play Princess Diana as the first versions of a Justice League were launched in the early 2000s. She was very popular at the time, coming from the Transformers frankness, but it has essentially eliminated itself from consideration.

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Fox described the Wonder Woman character as “ lame, ” saying “I just don’t get it. Someone has a big challenge to take on who takes on that role, but I don’t want to. She might have regretted having said it later. She ended up regretting it Transformers role too.

6 Gina Carano

Gina Carano made a lot of sense for the DCEU Wonder Woman from a pure physicality perspective. The former MMA star had the physique for the bottom part (and the amazing dark hair) but expressed his wish to play Diana. In the end, I didn’t get the role. Carano probably isn’t too smart not to have the part. She has since become an important part of The Mandalorian as ex-rebel shock soldier Cara Dune. She’s tough and reliable but hard to tell if she’s still sympathetic.

5 Megan Gale

Megan Gale as Wonder Woman in Justice League Mortal

Adrianne Palicki isn’t the only woman to sign for Wonder Woman and not play (or at least be seen). Megan Gale signed on to play the character in the Justice League: Deadly by George Miller in 2007. Costume tests have been carried out with the entire cast in their outfits (which also included Armie Hammer as Batman) and later, Gale did a famous photoshoot as Wonder Woman which shows just how fit she was for the role. She definitely has a Lynda Carter quality about her.

4 Jessica biel

blade trinity jessica biel

Wonder Woman had a few close misses with the big screen before finally breaking through in 2016. As the first ideas for a Justice League film came together in the 2000s, one actress who was mentioned a lot was Jessica biel. Bienne would have been in the mold at the time and had experience in the world of superhero film, playing Whistler’s daughter in Blade trinity alongside ubiquitous superhero actor Ryan Reynolds. These Justice League concepts never came together, and Biel never saw herself cast as Princess Diana.

3 Elodie Yung |

daredevil elodie yung elektra

One of the finalists for the role of Wonder Woman in the DCEU was French actress Elodie Yung. She is probably best known for her role in the Marvel Universe. Yung played assassin Elektra Natchios in the Netflix streaming series Daredevil, one of the best Marvel TV series of the MCU era.

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Yung brought an electric quality and feline physique to the role of Elektra and it’s easy to see why she would have been a natural fit for the role of Wonder Woman.

2 Jamie alexander

Lady Sif in Thor The Dark World

Jamie Alexander was early in the race for the role. She is definitely watching the role and has a lot of superhero experience playing Lady Sif in the first two MCUs. Thor movies (she is currently MIA). Alexander’s contract with Marvel seems to have been an obstacle to any hope of playing Wonder Woman. Like most, if not all, of the MCU’s actors and actresses, she’s signed up for multiple movies, whether she’s doing them or not. This ruled out any hope of Wonder Woman as the cast picked up in 2013 and 2014 for Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

1 Olga Kurylenko

Olga Kurylenko

Olga Kurylenko came very close to playing the role. The actress eventually conceded that she was in the top three considered for the role after Gal Gadot was cast. It is easy to understand why the Franco-Ukrainian actress would have been considered. She definitely has the acting and action game, having appeared in numerous films including Quantum of Solace (maybe not the best of James Bond movies). She is also apparently close to Gadot and Diana herself. Kurylenko would have made an excellent Wonder Woman.

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