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How does the coronavirus infect humans?Expert answer

How does the coronavirus infect humans?Expert answer


It is difficult and almost impossible to pinpoint exactly how a person is infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease, but months of research have shown how many ways the virus can infect people. It may be possible to identify.

According to the American Washington Post, infected people emit droplets that carry virus particles when they speak, sing, or breathe normally, so close contact between people is the main infection. Widely considered as a style. Therefore, the importance of social distance.

Scientists have pointed out the propagation of small particles called aerosols, just as there are other less common pathways. Aerosols can float longer, demonstrating good ventilation and face masks to reduce the risk of infection.

All of these particles can contaminate the surface upon landing, and contact with them can cause viral particles to travel to the nose, mouth, or eyes and infect them. Experts are advised here to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly to clean frequently touched items such as door handles. This reduces the risk of infection.

Experts confirm that spending at least 15 minutes near an infected person, or even shorter with a coughing or sneezing person, is dangerous because it releases particles containing the virus. ..

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends leaving a distance of at least 2 meters between you and others. This is about the same distance that these water droplets can normally fly. The World Health Organization states that you need to leave a distance of at least 1 meter between you and others and keep a “longer distance” if the location is closed. Public health officials also recommend that people wash their hands frequently and give up shaking hands, hugging, and kissing.

Infected individuals can be transmitted for more than a day or two before they feel sick, and can continue to be transmitted for 15 days after the onset of symptoms. Isolation requires testing, as people with very mild or no symptoms can also be infected with Covid-19.

For families with suspected or confirmed cases, doctors recommend keeping this person as far away from others as possible and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces such as keys, tables, and remote controls.

An indoor environment that lacks proper ventilation and air purification exacerbates the spread of virus-containing particles. It is more common in nightclubs, bars, restaurants and gyms. Infectious particles, such as surfaces and clothing, can also move into the air when excited, walking on contaminated floors and taking off contaminated clothing.

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