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Aggies Shine in Male MS, HJ Meets Conference | USU Sports


In the past few years, the Aggie men have had great success in shot put and high jump, and this trend continued over the weekend in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Utah won titles in both events and won three of the top five rankings at the Mountain West Indoor Track and Field Championships, which ended on Saturday.

Chandler Obray has become the third different Aggie in the last three indoor seasons to reign supreme in the high jump during the MW competition. Obray, who was limited by a herniated disc in the back, crossed the bar at 6 feet 9 inches.

It really feels good, said Obray in a press release. I really did not expect to participate in the competition because I have not really participated in this competition this year, but I felt good for the jump. I had guys who really put pressure on me with Hunter (Simonsen) and Addison (Brown of Air Force), and all the other guys in the Air Force, so it was a great meeting to be part of it, and I'm happy for a dub.

Simonsen, the defending champion, also made it 6-9 and ended up winning the bronze medal. Simonsen also finished fifth for the Aggies in the 60 meter hurdles with a time of 8.43 seconds. Kyle Brost crossed the bar at 6-8 and finished fifth for USU.

The biggest thing we were proud of today is that all of these athletes have faced adversity, said USU assistant coach Lindsey Hall. Kyle hasn't jumped high in two years, so I think it's just the magic of having the support of the team and the camaraderie that really got them all, and in all together, just being able to eliminate them.

For the second year in a row, the Aggies swept the top two places in the shot put, but this time in reverse order. Josh Barclay propelled his way to the title with a 59-5 uplift, while defending champion Kyle Morris was the silver medalist (56-10). USUs Christian Sonnenberg also scored valuable team points by finishing fifth (52-8).

Last week, I just had to tell myself to focus, to make sure that all I do in practice is how I'm going to do it in my shots when I get to the competition, has said Barclay, who claimed the shot put crown at the 2019 MW Outdoor Championships. It was good because last year I got there and it was a bit tough. I had a hard time making good shots. This year, when I got there, I just wanted to launch easily and keep building. The atmosphere was great and Kyle was fun to play.

In addition to being second in the shot put, Morris finished sixth in the shot put (55-5.5).

Like Morris, Brost won all the conference honors in a pair of events for the Aggies. The elder broke his own school record in the triple jump and got the right to place himself on the n ° 3 place of the podium with his mark of 49-11.25. Brost is also the record holder for the outdoor triple jump program.

This competition really put my body to the test by doing the high jump and the long jump before the triple, but I was happy to help the team wherever I could said Brost. It was a good indoor season and now I am thrilled to be moving forward with the support of my teammates.

The Aggie men also did well in the 5000m, where Dallin Farnsworth finished third (14:33) and Luke Beattie fourth (14:38). The 4×400 USUs relay team of Skyler Adams, Mikhail Kidd, Nathan Kaufusi and Spencer Eldridge combined to record the fastest third time (3: 13.49).

Adams earned all-mountain west distinctions in two other races this past weekend when he was fifth in 200 (21.74) and sixth in long jump (23-2). USU Heston Andersen was fourth in 800 (1: 54.54), while teammate Garen Earley was fifth in 60 (6.89). Mountain Crest's former standout J.D. Thorne placed eighth for the Aggies in the 3000m (8: 32.03).

On the women's side, the Aggies were led by Audrey Garrett and Katie Struthers-Haviland. Garrett was fourth in the high jump (5-8.75) and Shruthers-Haviland fifth in the 5000m (17:16).

USU finished 10th out of 11 teams in the women's competition with nine points. The UNLV triumphed convincingly with 161 points for the second of the San Diego States 126.5.

The Aggie men ranked fourth on seven teams with 95.5 points. The state of Colorado reigned supreme with 149 points, followed by the Air Force (134.5).

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