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After taking antibiotics and paracetamol for earache, the blisters “foamed” and I remained looking like a monster

After taking antibiotics and paracetamol for earache, the blisters “foamed” and I remained looking like a monster
After taking antibiotics and paracetamol for earache, the blisters “foamed” and I remained looking like a monster


The traumatized woman claims to have been left “looking like a monster” after taking antibiotics and paracetamol for ear pain.

Rachel Carrie was suffering from an ear infection and was prescribed a drug-a drug she says she had taken many times before.

Rachel Carrie was prescribed medication to treat her ear infection


Rachel Carrie was prescribed medication to treat her ear infection Credit: Caters News Agency

Shortly after starting the drug course, the 38-year-old began to feel sick and the next morning her skin began to “foam.”

Rachel, who then lives in Dallas, Texas, returned home three times from the hospital, but her condition continued to deteriorate.

She was eventually admitted to the burn ward and spent 12 days being treated for Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

This condition is a rare and serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes that kills the top layers of the skin. This is usually caused by a response to medication.

The mother said the blisters were intolerable and she felt like she was being attacked by fire ants biting her whole body.

After that, blisters spread all over my face, distorting my lips and eyes.

When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t even recognize myself.I felt like a monster

Rachel Carrie

Teira’s mother, Rachel, 19, said she was traumatized when she saw herself in the mirror.

She states: “I got an ear infection and received emergency treatment.

“I was prescribed the antibiotic amoxicillin and the paracetamol Tylenol. I took them around 7 pm in the evening.

“Shortly afterwards, I began to feel itchy and noticed that the skin behind my neck was bubbling.

“I used to take these medicines, but for some reason my body refused them this time.”

The mother remained traumatized after the blisters spread throughout her body


The mother remained traumatized after the blisters spread throughout her body Credit: Caters News Agency
Blisters like bubbles spread all over the body and covered my back


Blisters like bubbles spread all over the body and covered my back Credit: Caters News Agency

Rachel, who is involved in data management and analytics at the university, said:

“I finally stayed in the burn unit for 12 days.

“On the way, they did a biopsy of my skin, and that’s when they confirmed that it was Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

“It was very painful. I feel like I’m burning inside out. I felt like I was bitten by thousands of fire ants.

“It was traumatic and intense to see my face and skin look very different.

What is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare but serious disorder that affects the skin, mucous membranes, genitals, and eyes.

The mucous membrane is a soft layer of tissue that lines the digestive system from the mouth to the anus, and to the reproductive tract and eyeball.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is usually caused by unpredictable side effects on certain drugs.

The syndrome often begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by the spread of a red or purple rash, forming blisters. The affected skin eventually dies and peels off.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is an emergency medical treatment that requires hospital treatment, often in the intensive care unit or burn treatment room.

Skin pain is the most common symptom of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and may be followed by flu-like symptoms.

After a few days, a rash appears. The rash consists of individual wounds that look like targets. The center is dark and the outside is bright.

The rash is usually non-itchy and spreads over hours or days.

Large blisters then develop on the skin, leaving painful pain after rupturing.

Source: NHS

Rachel is depicted above with her daughter Taylor.Rachel said it was okay to take the drug before


Rachel is depicted above with her daughter Taylor.Rachel said it was okay to take the drug before Credit: Caters News Agency

“When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t even recognize myself. I felt like a monster.”

The first signs Rachel noticed were itching and discomfort, which eventually caused her skin to foam and her eyes to swell.

After her first trip to A & E in November 2019, Rachel managed to manage her condition, saying doctors needed to know more about her condition, and “four trips” to A & E to be taken seriously. I shouldn’t have done it. “

She states: “Education and awareness of this condition and a pharmacy label warning that SJS is a serious side effect are needed.

Rachel now wants the practitioner to be more aware of the condition


Rachel now wants the practitioner to be more aware of the conditionCredit: Caters News Agency

“I shouldn’t have been to the hospital four times for them to recognize and acknowledge me.”

Rachel is currently in control of her condition, but she still suffers from mild skin discoloration. ]

She added that the experience was “terrible” and would be encouraged by family, friends, and faith to continue.

“I’ve had a lot of experience in my life, and I knew I could get over it.

“The doctors were surprised at how quickly I was healing.

“I thought it might look like that forever. I didn’t know how to get back to work, but I remained loyal.

“I still have some scars, but I know that one day I’ll be 100% healed, overcoming the worst.

“After experiencing this, I became very strong so that I could conquer anything.”

The BBC’s Diagnosis Detectives help men who have scraped off pigment because their skin condition is itchy

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