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RI manages Corona, the stocks of Indofarma et al.


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Pharmaceutical products listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) strengthened again during the early trading session I Tuesday (03/03/2020) after yesterday, also in full swing after a statement by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who revealed two Indonesians infected with the corona virus (COVID-19).

This strengthening occurred at the rate of the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI), which also started to rebound, as well as various efforts made with stakeholders to reduce the turmoil in the capital market. , at the same time the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI) and Stock Exchange of Indonesia (IDX).

In addition, the statement by Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto who gave peace to the community also gave a glimmer of hope that Indonesia could pass this corona attack.

At 09.54 WIB, the Jakarta composite index rose 1.94% to 5,465.33 for a transaction value of 1.22 trillion Rp.

According to IDX data, four pharmaceutical issuers have increased today, namely:

PT IndofarmaTbk (INAF)
The shares of the pharmaceutical issuer SOE yesterday closed 19.42% at Rp 535 / share with a transaction value of Rp 12.01 billion and an exchange volume of 23.06 million shares . On Tuesday, the INAF share rose again by 16.82% to the level of Rp 625 / share.

PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk (KAEF)
Its shares rose 11.21% yesterday to Rp 645 / share with a transaction value of Rp 12.01 billion, an exchange volume of 17.94 million shares before the close of trading. session II and finally closed at Rp 665 / action. Today, KAEF shares are up 9.02% to Rp. 725 / share. KAEF and INAF have jointly entered into a stake in BUMN BUMN led by PT Bio Farma (Persero).

PT PhaprosTbk (PEHA)
The shares of Kimia Farma's subsidiary Phapros have today risen by 3.45% to Rp 900 / share. Phaprossudah was acquired by Kimia Farm in March 2019by PT Rajawali Nusantara. Since the start of the year PEHA shares 16%.

PT KalbeFarmaTbk (KLBF)
KLBF shares rose 2.51% to Rp 1,225 / share with a transaction value of Rp 2.79 billion and a trading volume of 2.28 million shares. Since the start of the year, KLBFminus has held 24%.

PT Industri Herbal and Pharmaceutical Sido Appears Tbk (SIDO)
Its shares fell 2.44% yesterday to Rp 1,200 / share before the close of session II and finally closed at Rp 1,190 / share. Today, this producer share of Tolak Angin has increased by 2.10% to the level of Rp 1,215 / share.

President Jokowi confirmed that two Indonesians were positive for the corona virus (COVID-19) on Monday (2/3). The government has attempted to anticipate in advance the risk of the spread of the corona virus, including the readiness of medications.

Kalbe managing director Vidjongtius once responded to the risk of the spread of the corona virus when it entered Indonesia, including the availability of drugs.

"I believe there are drugs, we prepare them, we hear a lot of explanations from the Ministry of Health, the ministry prepared hospitals. And several national facilities are prepared 100, the capacity is adequate and adequate, "said Vidjongtius. CNBC Indonesia, last week.

With the confirmed corona case, 66 countries are infected with the crown. Currently, according to data from arcGis at 11:27 WIB, there are 89,071 cases of crowns worldwide.

Previously, a public pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma (Persero) predicted that it would take around 15 years to find a vaccine to ward off a new type of corona virus. Vaccines are antigenic substances used to produce immunity against a disease.

However, for the corona virus, according to the director of Bio Farma, Honesti Bashir does indeed need a lot of time.

"On average, it takes up to 15 years to manufacture a new vaccine from the research process to the finished product on the market," Honesti said in Jakarta, Wednesday (02/05/2020 ).

(Gambas: CNBC video)

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