How to watch Hocus Pocus on Disney +

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The spooky season just wouldn’t be complete without an annual rerun of everyone’s favorite wizarding classic, Halloween, Hocus pocus. Starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy, this cult 1993 film has drawn so many devoted fans over the years that Disney + is now developing a highly anticipated sequel!
Although still in its infancy, Hocus pocus 2 was officially announced in October 2019, withHair spraydirector Adam Shankman andWorkaholicsthe writer and producer Jen DAngelo attached to the project. In fact, in a recent interview withEntertainment tonight, Midler said she was absolutely ready to reprise her famous role, adding that I couldn’t wait to fly!
For those who are looking forward to the next installment of Hocus pocus, there’s another opportunity to watch the witch trio happening much sooner than you might think: In Search of the Sanderson Sisters: A Takeover of Hocus Pocus Hulaween, ”aone night virtual meeting only, will take place on Friday, October 30 at 8 p.m., and benefit the New York Restoration Project, Midler’s nonprofit.
Where to stream Hocus Pocus online
You can stream Hocus Pocus, Pixar, and Marvel movies, plus everything in between Disney + has to offer wherever you are connected to the Internet. Disneys Direct-to-Consumer streaming service available in Australia, Austria, Canada, Channel Islands, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy , Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Spain and Switzerland. , the United Kingdom and the United States
Disney + is supported on desktop browsers, a wide range of mobile devices, smart TVs, and game consoles. The platform serves as a new home for Walt Disney Studios films as well as original and exclusive Disney + content like the next one Hocus pocus sequel, as well as new Lucasfilms Star wars series includingThe Mandalorianand the last season ofThe clone warsand a full roster of live Marvel shows.
What is Hocus Pocus about?
Located in Salem, Massachusetts,Hocus pocus begins in 1693, when three evil witches, aka Winifred, Sarahand MarySanderson, are about to be executed for witchcraft. Winifred casts a curse on their bodies, promising to return if and when a virgin lights her black flame candle on Halloween night.
Nowadays teenager Max Dennison, played by Omri Katz, settles into a new life after moving to Salem. Whiletrick-or-processing with his younger sister, Dani (Thora Birch) and their new crush, Allison (Vinessa Shaw), the group decides to explore the haunted witches chalet, where they accidentally bring the Sanderson sisters back to life. Now, with the help of the magic cat Thackery Binx, the children must help defeat the sisterst to prevent them from becoming immortal.
How to sign up for Disney +
To start watching Hocus pocusjust in time for Halloween, you can subscribe toDisney +today for $ 6.99 per month or $ 69.99 per year. You can also opt for the service as part of a special value package with ESPN + and Hulu for $ 12.99 per month in total.
Disney + is available to watch through the following devices:
- Roku streaming devices
- TVs with built-in Roku
- Apple TV iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models
- Android phones
- Android TV devices
- Google Chromecast
- Xbox one
- Xbox Series X
- Playstation 4
- Playstation 5
- Sony TVs with built-in Android
- Samsung
- Chrome OS, MacOS or any other Windows PC
If you want to stream to another device in the future, you can sign up for updates via email atDisneyPlus.comto stay informed.
In addition to its all-new lineup, Disney + offers on-demand access to other classics likeA Goofy Movie, Fantasia, High School Musical, Lilo & Stitch, The Sword in the Stone, Toy Story, Tron, Up, andWall-E. The extensive library also includes beloved TV series such asBoy Meets World, DuckTales, Kim Possible, Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Thats So Raven, and 30 seasons ofThe simpsons.
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Prices were correct at the time of this article’s publication, but may change over time.
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