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Covid’s slump in medical charity “endangers research” | Charity

Covid’s slump in medical charity “endangers research” | Charity


A slump in donations to medical charities could shelve life-saving research unless the government intervenes to support the organization, according to a major think tank.

The closure of charity shops, the suspension of funding events such as the London-Brighton cycle ride, and the wider economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic have led to more than £ 4 billion in medical charity between now and 2027. Meaning to lose. Institute of Public Policy (IPPR).

The collapse of funds, which is often basic research, has significantly reduced private follow-up investment, leading thinktanks to a shortfall of nearly £ 8 billion over the period, equivalent to a 10% reduction in UK spending. discovered. Health research.

The loss was a “catastrophic blow to the country” and could upset Boris Johnson’s desire to “turn Britain into a country.”Superpower of science“The report’s co-author, Chris Thomas, said.

“How much money for medical research comes from charities often surprises people. They put in £ 1 for every five they enter medical research in the UK, and if that happens, that’s it. Is difficult to square with the science superpower Rhetork, “he said.

Medical charities have pandemics wiped out much of their money, endangering research institutes and the search for new therapies. The entire generation of scientists can be lost In crisis.

IPPR figures come from a “reasonable worst-case scenario” in which a pandemic causes a long-term shift in donations to medical charities. In the best scenario, the decline in funding income is short-lived and will fully recover within three years. Even if that happens, the report predicts that medical research funding will be reduced by £ 4.5 billion and charities will lose £ 2 billion.

The report calls on the government to establish a partnership between life sciences and charities to support charities, starting next year at £ 443m, 2022 at £ 300m and 2023 at £ 162m. ..

“The immense loss of money predicted by IPPR is helping 55,000 PhD students (next-generation leaders in areas such as cancer research), or nearly all four cutting-edge research institutes at Cancer Research UK. It’s equivalent to running for 30 years, “said Michelle Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer of Cancer Research UK.

“But the impact of research cuts goes even further than the inability of medical research charities to fund as many life-saving studies as needed. Also, new diagnoses and treatments for future patients. You may face countless opportunities that missed the opportunity to work with the industry to develop. “

Dr. Charmaine Griffiths, CEO of the British Heart Foundation, who halved this year’s research investment from £ 100m to £ 50m, said: Illness and cancer. But without the government’s commitment to the Life Sciences and Charity Partnership Fund, charities would be forced to catastrophically reduce their research and cause significant damage to patients and British science. “

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