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Do I need to wear a surgical mask over the N95?

Do I need to wear a surgical mask over the N95?
Do I need to wear a surgical mask over the N95?


Important point

  • In a tweet earlier this month, one doctor said wearing a surgical mask over an N95 mask could be the key to preserving the N95 for further use.
  • This method is worth considering, as N95 is essential in the healthcare sector and is regularly lacking, some experts say.
  • The N95 standard mask is different from the N95 surgical mask, the latter being reserved for surgical or procedure settings (such as during surgery).

More, better, or so saying goes. But when it comes to wearing masks, is it true that doubling the mask protects, for example, the very popular N95 mask and allows it to be used again in the future? A conversation that began on Twitter earlier this month sparked a debate about whether wearing double masks actually fulfills double obligations.

“This keeps the N95 in a cheaper mask.” Estarch, MD, Wrote on Twitter about a photo of Joe Biden wearing a surgical mask over an N95 mask. “That is, you can replace the top mask and continue to use the N95. VP helps protect our precious PPE!”

But is wearing a mask that is cheaper or less protective than the N95 really a way to save the N95?Or is it something else Coronavirus mask myth?? Here, experts will consider the details of wearing a double mask and some proven rules that need to be followed.

What is an N95 mask?

As a starting point, it is important to know the difference between the N95 and a standard cloth or surgical mask.

There are actually two types of N95 masks: standard N95 (particulate respirator) and surgical grade N95 (also known as medical respirator). June 2020 Report 3M Company has categorized standard N95 masks as follows:

[These masks] It is designed to help the wearer reduce the risk of suspended particulate matter. In the United States, respiratory organs are tested and certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). N95 rated filtration facepiece respirators show at least 95% filtration efficiency for non-oil particles when tested using NIOSH standards.

Meanwhile, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), medical professionals who need protection from both air and liquid hazards (splashes, sprays, etc.) recommend the use of surgical N95 masks.

What does PPE mean?

In a tweet, Chu said that Biden’s mask wearing method “helps save valuable PPE.”

PPE is simply an abbreviation for personal protective equipment, a term used to include many personal protective equipment in the medical setting, such as gloves, gowns, aprons, and of course masks.

Theda C. Kontis, MD

[At the office], I am wearing an N95 mask covered with another surgical mask. This not only protects both the patient and me, but also allows the N95 to be reused.

-Theda C. Kontis, MD

So are the tweets accurate?

I can’t believe everything I read on Twitter, Theda C. Kontis, MDChoo’s suggested method is the one she uses in her practice.

“In the office, I see a patient with a face mask removed, so I wear an N95 mask covered with another surgical mask,” she tells Verywell. “This not only protects both the patient and me, but also allows us to reuse the N95.”

But Jay Woody, MD, Intuitive health Co-founder with Legacy ER & Emergency CareStates that it is important to note the difference between doubling the mask to protect the N95 and wearing two masks to enhance protection. Regarding the latter, Woody says it simply isn’t.

“As the name implies, N95 removes 95% of all particles,” he told Very Well, saying that health care workers need to be properly worn to ensure the effectiveness of the mask. I did. “The N95 mask is the strongest face mask available and does not require any additional cover.”

“The only reason I can think of adding a mask to the N95 is if there was a valve that allowed the wearer to breathe unfiltered air,” Woody adds.

When not working, Contis took off the N95 and chose a spandex mask instead. This is the most comfortable style for everyday mask wear.

“Of all the styles I’ve tried, the ear openings are actually cut from spandex rather than elastic straps, so it’s the most comfortable,” says Kontis. “The mask is breathable, does not fog the glasses and fits snugly on the face.”

Kontis states that the key to wearing masks in public is the continued adherence to social distances to “prevent aerosolized particles from entering and exiting.”

In other words, the same security measures are still in place. This means that we will continue to adhere to safety measures such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, washing our hands regularly, and avoiding large gatherings, especially indoors.

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