Coronavirus | 12 ongoing vaccine trials, says Gagandeep Kang
Microbiologists say it will be difficult to identify the people who need it most.
Of the more than 300 projects around the world working to develop the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, nearly 12 have undergone the first two stages of human testing and the results of three projects will be available by the end of the year. It may be possible. Said Dr. Gagan Deepkan, a microbiologist and professor at Christian Medical College in Velor. This will also pose relevant challenges, such as identifying and distributing the people who need it most, she said.
“Never more work has been done so quickly on so many candidates like in the last nine months,” famous for pioneering research on indigenous rotavirus vaccines. Dr. Kang said. She said that all platform technologies that can be used to develop vaccines are used for SARS-CoV-2.
“Vaccination programs in India and developing countries around the world rarely vaccinated anyone other than children and pregnant women. Now we need to vaccinate those who identify the people who need them most. In some cases, it will be a challenge. For them, the next challenge is to manufacture and distribute vaccines, “she said during the de facto launch of the annual state conference of Kerala Sastra Sahicha Paris Shad. Said to.
As the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was made in a hurry, much pressure was put on vaccine companies and researchers to make the vaccine quickly. “Fortunately for us, researchers and regulators have resisted that pressure, which is very important for building confidence in vaccines,” said the first elected Fellow of the Royal Society in London. Dr. Kang, an Indian woman, said.
“We start with healthcare professionals, then with older people and those with comorbidities, and then think about the rest.”
The Indian vaccine industry has four candidates in the human clinical trial phase. “We are very fortunate that India has a good vaccine industry because they produce high quality and affordable vaccines despite being a private company. Responsible for providing unimaginable services to Indian public health. Indian vaccine manufacturers provide nearly 60% of the vaccines used for routine pediatric immunity in low and middle income countries. “.
She explained that more research needs to be done to generate strong evidence of effective treatments. “Two large studies conducted have given clear answers about certain types of treatments. A study called a recovery study in the United Kingdom found that steroids (dexamethasone) were seriously hospitalized. It has been shown to reduce the mortality rate of patients with the disease. “
“But when you look at other drugs designed for HIV (lopinavir, ritonavir), they don’t work as a cure. Hydroxychloroquine, which is widely recommended as a preventative drug in India, is a serious disease. And death cannot be prevented, “she said.
“There is preliminary evidence of remdesivir, which indicates that it may have some effect, but more research is needed to define the magnitude of that effect,” he said. He pointed out that the hydroxychloroquine, ropinavir, and ritonavir used in patients should no longer be considered.
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